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I woke up to Louis' strong arms wrapped around me. Lou and Bella were both fast asleep. I gently pried his arms off my body and slowly got out of bed heading towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I stripped from my pajamas and stepped into the shower. I turn the water on hot and let the water fall on my body. It was relaxing, a good way to get away from all the stress that was encircling my life. But the eery sense of quietness tore away from that relaxing feeling. Every sad ,despairing thought just flew to my mind. My parents - in this case were really my aunt and uncle-, my brother, my condition. Everything that just had nothing to do with what was going on in life right now popped up. Quite frankly I was scared. There wasn't any mother figure to help me out with this. I also didn't feel like taking a trip out of London to visit any of the other boys mothers either. That was probably a bad idea, because they could help me to be a better mother. An aspiring mother. I stopped the water and wrapped a towel around myself, stepping out of the shower. I dried myself off, wrapped the towel around myself again and stepped into my room. I walked over to the closet to choose an outfit for the day. I heard a small noise escape Bella's lips; she was about to wake any second. I walked over to the basinet (crib) and took her in my arms. Instead of crying, she slowly opened her eyes. Her blue-green eyes bore into my green ones.

"Morning baby girl." I smiled down at her. She looked at me wide-eyed before reaching for hair and lightly pulling. ''Owie." I said playfully. She let out a faint giggle and I smiled again. She reached for it again. With each pull I made a silly face making her giggle more and more. "Mommy's going to change now, then after we get you your breakfast." I placed her back in the basinet. I watched as she slowly reached for the teddy bear by her side. I smiled to myself and walked back into the bathroom, getting myself situated.

I came back out fully clothed to see Louis was awake. He was shaking the bear side to side, Bella watching in amusement.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." he replied, continuing to play with Bella. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine. I bet you are tired. I could've taken care of her at some point during the night you know." He simply shook his head.

"You need your sleep.'' I shrugged. He needs his sleep as well, but if I pushed this dispute further he would keep coming up with more reasons that he could have done it. "I'm gonna have a shower." He placed the teddy bear back into the basinet before walking to the bathroom.

"Mommy-daughter bonding time." I chuckled to myself. I once again lifted her out of the basinet. I placed her in the middle of my bed and took a look in her diaper.Soiled. I took the necessary steps and changed her diaper. I lifted her up and kissed her forehead. "Feeding time." I took a seat on my computer chair and started her feeding.

A couple minutes after Bella's feeding, I toook her in my arms and ventured downstairs.

"She's awake!" Liam exclaimed happily. "Can I play with her?" He asked, holding his hands out.

''Of course you can Liam. Just be careful." I placed her in his arms.

"When am I not?'' He asked sarcastically. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I walkede into the kitchen and checked the cupboard for something to eat. I pulled out my favorite cereal; Honeycombs, and poured some into a bowl, then adding milk. I waassoon joined by the rest of the people inhabitating my house, crowding into the kitchen.

"Thank God Uni is on holiday.'' Ary exclaimed, ploppping down in a seat next to me. I nodded. I didn't really have much to say today. I didn't feel like speaking in general anyway.

"Awe. Look at the little cutie.'' Niall laughed as he watched Bella struggling to pull Liam's 'hair.' He didn't have enough for her to grab due to his buzz cut.

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