A Scandal...Or Is It?

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When I woke up today, the only people that were home was Lou, Bella, Ary, Christian, and Antonio. When we all met downstairs shortly after waking up, we had wondered as to where Harry, Liam, and Zayn had gone. Knowing them, they were probably out doing stupid shit, with Liam failing to keep them in restraint.

"So what shall we do today?" Lou asked,hip bumping me. I smiled, but then it quickly faded because I noticed Ary staring at me. I don't know what was with her, but she was always giving me these questionable weird looks lately. I shrugged it off.

"We can go to a zoo...or a carnival. Something child friendly?" I suggested.

"You are such a mom." Christian chuckled, as he placed his breakfast plate in the sink.

"I really don't know if you haven't noticed because you are the highest form of stupid, but I am a mom." He ignored my petty statement and continued on with his conversation with Antonio.

"We could go to the carnival! It has a petting zoo and rides, double win!" Ary exclaimed jumping up and down. She could be a child when she wanted to. We all agreed. "Are you going to invite Tom?" Ary asked as we made our way up the stairs.


"No?" She asked surprised. "I'm shocked, you usually do."

"Well I would, but he's on a family vacation. He'll be back later. It's just us, the boys, and Bella." She gave an understanding nod.

I entered my room, seeing that Bella had woken up. She was lying in the middle of the bed surrounded by pillows. I think she couldn't get up. I chuckled to myself because of Lou's paranoia. He believed that if she wasn't smothered with pillows, that she would fall off the bed. I removed the pillows so that she could get up.

"Morning mommy." She yawned, smiling all the while.

"Morning sweetheart." I chuckled. "We are going to the carnival today!" She squealed in excitement and quickly hopped off the bed. "Lets get you ready ok?" She gave a quick nod. I opened up her drawers to find a cute outfit for her to wear. After letting her decide between two that I picked out, I put the clothes on her. She really looked good in that purple skirt. I decided on giving her a bath later, seeing as to she would get messy.

"Am I done yet momma?" She asked. I shook my head and ran a brush through her semi-long black hair.

"I have to finish your hair and we have to brush your teeth."

After finishing her hair and topping it off with a purple bow, we both brushed our teeth.

''Minty!" She exclaimed, smiling widely into the mirror. I giggled and pecked her lips.

"Go find daddy while I get ready." I instructed.

She gave a quick "Otay" before leaving the room and running down the hall. "Daddy! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She yelled as she ran. I couldn't help but laugh at her actions. She was such a cutie and a total daddy's girl.

I opened my closet and had a debate with myself to see what I should wear. I went with a simple pair of shorts and a pastel pink flow top. After I fixed my hair, I trudged downstairs and saw that Lou was feeding her breakfast. It was so cute. She's so cute. He's so cute. What? Scratch that...just Bella is cute. Once Bella had finished her food, we all pile into my car. Obviously before hand, I knew we all weren't going to fit, but we all squeezed in anyway. Hopefully I don't get pulled over.

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