Fake Breakup

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On the Plane back home I say next to Liam purposely. I made sure m dad noticed that Louis was sitting next to Harry. My dad seemed quite pleased if you ask me. After the fake break up shenanigan, he'll be even more pleased. But who cares if he's pleased?! He's ruining my life!

"Liiiiiaaaaammmm." I groaned. He looked over at me with a weird expression. "I'm hungry."

"That's why you should have ate before we left." he said in his smart ass tone.

"Who the hell eats breakfast at three in the morning?!" I yelled. He clamped a hand over my mouth, trying to keep peace in the plane. I bit his finger.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, getting snickers from the rest of the boys. I had a satisfied smile on my face. My dad on the other hand, looked extremely irritated. I don't give a fuck.

During the plane ride I slept, with the occasional hair in my mouth, because of Liam leaning in front of me. That was his sleeping position. Who the hell does that? "Liam, get your hair out of my damn mouth." I nudged his shoulder.

"Sorry," he muttered, closing his eyes and not moving. I sighed and pushed him off. When the plane landed, Liam's head was on my shoulder, and he was drooling. Ew.


The next day, I was prepping to go into the public ad break up with Lou.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he aske through the phone.

"Yeah, if it gets my dad off our backs. At least it's not a real break up." I replied.

"I'm glad, I don't know what it will be like without you. I don't even want to know what it will be like." he said. I smiled a little, knowing that he couldn't see me.


A few minutes later I met up with Lou at the flat.

"What are you doing here this early?" Zayn, asked from the couch.

"I can ask you the same question. Except what are you doing up this early?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You never a answered my question." he smirked, turning the T.V off.

"I'm getting ready to break up with Lou." I said.



"SERIOUSLLY?!" I exclaimed, a little too much emotion showing. Cool it Zayn, you promised Lou you'll lay off.

"Yes." she raised her eyebrows. "We're fake breaking up, for my dad." she added. My heart literally just sank.

"Damn." I muttered.

"What?" she asked. I shook my head.

"READY TO BREAK UP?!!!" Lou yelled, running down the hall.

"Boy, for a couple fake breaking up, you two sure do seem happy." they simply shrugged as with that, I was on my way to my room.


We decided to be noticed by the paparazzi. They were everywhere today, God knows why. They saw us pass te coffee shop and swarmed us. It was time. I looked at Lou and he nodded.

"What's that?" Lou asked yanking my phone from my hand. "Hey babe. Wanna come over later?" he said from the top of his mind. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" he yelled. People started looking now, good. Someone will alert the Papparazzi, and as if on cue, they appeared.

"What's what?" I asked trying to act innocent.

"Don't act like you don't know!" he exclaimed, waing his hands in the air idiotically. "The text message from Brett."

"I'm not cheating you, you're the one cheating on me! I know about the kiss!" I yelled, fans were crowding around more and more.

"What kiss?!" he asked.

"Don't act like you don't know!" I mimicked him. "You were hanging out with Ary and she said she saw you kiss a girl."

"It was a FANGIRL kiss! It didn't mean anything!" he exclaimed!

"Don't be so sure! I actually like spending time with Brett more than you!" I yelled. People 'OOOHHHED.'

"You know what?" he pointed a finger in my face! "We're done!" he yelled. Before we ran our separate ways, he grabbed my arm, pulled me close, and whispered in my ear. "Meet me around the corner." I simply nodded before I ran off.

When we met around the corner, we laughed the whole scene off.

"You did pretty good!" he laughed.

"So did you!" I laughed, getting into his car. "This is bound to go on E! Or MTV. My dad will see it." I smirked.

"Just to be clear," Lou said before driving off, "You didn't mean anything you said back there right?"

"Of course not, there's no Brett, and I love you."

"Good." he smiled. "I love you too."

Ok! Today's upload! This was a crap chapter I know! I had school and I had to watch my brothers while my mom was at the dentist. You're probably thinking "BITCH I WAITED FOR THIS?!" I'm sorry! At least I uploaded and admitted it was a crap chapter.

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