The Struggle

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Everything has been going great so far. Bella has grown in the past five months, she is five months now and growing a little each day. She has just barely started crawling. Babies are expected to start crawling around seven months; this girl was something special. Every time she would try, she would make it little ways and then slowly collapse on the ground. You could tell she was irritated with each try - hell, I'd be too. Louis and I have been getting along great. He finally admitted to his depression; It's like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He ate a lot more, drank a lot less, interacted with everyone more, and was a lot less angry. Everyone was relieved. He's still on a fragile point, so it's best not to tap a nerve. The boys had gone out on tour again, all over the Europe. I was proud to say the least, but it was times like this when I needed Louis. Not for myself I mean, but for Bella. You could tell she needed her father. Every time I would hold her, she would always look around trying to search for him,squirming to get out of my grasp. Each day, I pointed to the television screen whenever Louis and the boys were doing an interview. I would point and say 'Dada' or 'Daddy' in hopes that she would recognize him and speak her first word. I honestly didn't know at what age babies spoke their first word, some say I'm rushing it upon her, I say I just want her to have a head start.

Right now, I was Skyping with Louis. He happily watched as Bella tried to crawl across the floor. Attempting, but failing each time.

"Come on Bella, you can do it baby!" He cheered idiotically through my video chat. At times when she wasn't crawling, she would sit in my lap and just stare at the computer screen, just like how she stares at everything else. He would make funny faces and she would stare blankly at him, or even try 'touching' his face through the screen. Let's just say that was never successful.

I've also returned back to Oxford. I don't stay in the dorms, I come back home. While I'm gone, my father or Annabelle look after Bella. Ary and I had plenty of the same classes together, as did Tom. Much to Ary's dismay of course. She still couldn't get over the fact that he had accidentally kicked a ball at her head. She claims that he did it on purpose. I don't see how though. He apologizes every time he sees her. Today we had been assigned a project in which we had to research DNA and how it works. Professor Holmes paired Tom and I together, whilst Ary got this really annoying student.She was quite upset that we weren't paired. I'm pretty sure the reason for that is because we basically chat the whole class period.

We decided that the project was going to be done back at my place. Ary had set up a different time and date with her partner. The three of us pulled into my driveway and got out the car, trudging up the steps to the porch. I unlocked the front door and we walked into the living room where my father was playing with Bella. She lit up once she saw us. Ary and I both gave her a kiss while Tom gave her a big smile, which she returned. Smiling's her favorite. And staring. Can't forget staring. Since I haven't seen my baby all day, I took her from my father, who hd work to do, and carried her upstairs, the other two following suit. We decided to work in the loft. There was a bed so I can lay down with Bella and also do my work with Tom. Ary sat at the desk, farther ways down, on her laptop.

I placed my notebook on the loft's bed and opened up to DNA notes.

'' Ok so, DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms." I stated, writing it down on our poster.

" Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus." Tom added. While I was trying to write, Bella was rolling all over the bed. "Getaway baby!" He exclaimed, laughing, as I quickly grabbed her from rolling off the edge.

"She almost fell, why are you laughing?" I tried asking sternly, but failing.

"She never wants to be in one place. And it was funny watching her roll everywhere. She's like a little roli poli." He chuckled.

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