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                       KARINA’S POV

I walked into my brother’s room. I took in everything that was in there: pictures of my family, posters on the wall, messy bed, and some food wrappers. Exactly how it was before I moved. Nothing has changed – except for the fact that he’s gone. I can’t stand it. I threw myself onto his bed and let the tears flow free. I felt someone rubbing my back. I looked up a bit to see Lou.

 “It’s going to be ok.” He whispered. I wanted to believe him, but I just couldn’t. How was everything going to get better? Jeremy’s dead, and I can’t be with Lou. The fact that he doesn’t know that yet kills me. As I sobbed, he wrapped his arms around me and I cried on his shoulder. He didn’t even care that his shirt was getting tear stains. “Come on, you can’t be in here. You’ll wind up crying all night.” He lifted me off the bed, and carried me bridal style to my room. Much to my father’s dismay – which I saw through the corner of my eye. Lou lay me down on my bed, he got in next to me, and I fell asleep in his arms.

Around ten in the morning I got up and took a shower. My face was tearstained and I was all sweaty from the flight. After my shower, I took a black dress out of my suitcase along with matching shoes. I curled my hair and didn’t bother with my makeup. By the time I was done, everyone was waiting in my living room. I grabbed Lou’s hand and walked out the front door, everyone trailing behind.

At the funeral, I saw some distant family members, friends of Jeremy’s, his girlfriend, Katie, and a few of my friends. I saw Antonio and Christian in the back. They even came up to me and gave me a hug. Through the whole funeral people kept telling me how sorry they were, but in actuality they didn’t know the feeling of losing a brother because everyone that was there had a brother that was alive or didn’t have one at all. I stood looking at the casket, holding Ary’s hand and leaning on Lou’s shoulder. I just couldn’t cope with what’s going on. My mind was swirling, tears streaming down my face. I had to pull it together; I couldn’t go to the hospital again. My Syncope was challenging me. It wanted me to break down, it wanted me to black out, and it wanted me to suffer. I guess so did the rest of the world.

“I love you so much.” Were the last and final words I said to Jeremy before they closed the casket and lowered it into the ground. Once all that was over, I got another round of hugs and people saying sorry. Lou squeezed my hand and led me into the car. No one said a single word.

Ary went back to her house later that day, saying bye to us for an hour. This is the end. Ary isn’t coming back with us to London, unless she magically gets a scholarship to go there. I’m going to miss not having my best friend around. I still have the boys though, that’s the Brightside. Unless my dad will ban me from seeing them too. I have to tell Lou today. I have to do it. I can’t have him get in trouble with my dad all because he didn’t know.

“Lou?” I whispered to him.

He cracked his eyes open. “Hmm?”

“I have to tell you something important.” He slowly got up and sat upright in the bed.

“What is it Love?” he whispered.

Here it comes. I just have to swallow the pain and tell him. But I can’t! Breathe. Just tell him. “We can’t see each other anymore.”

The look on his face was absolutely horrifying. I felt like dying.

         LOUIS’S POV

“W-What? W-Why?” I asked, trying to hold back tears. Did she not love me anymore?

“Because,” tears flowed down her cheek, “My dad. He banned us from seeing each other. That’s why he kept giving you those glares.” I wiped the tears from her cheek. “I tried to talk him out of it, but he doesn’t want to listen. I told him I love you and everything! He just doesn’t seem to care.”

Before I knew it, I was crying too. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. “I can’t lose you, I just got you.” I whispered.

“I know.” She whispered back.

“So what’s going to happen? To us?” I asked, looking into her eyes.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to lose you.”

“Neither do I.” I replied. “Maybe we can keep our distance, but not break up?” I suggested it. It came out more of a question.

“Yeah that can work.” She wiped some tears away. “Or fake a break up, but still see each other.” She suggested.

I nodded. “We’ll think more about it tomorrow. Get some sleep.” She nodded and laid her head against my shoulder. “Good night.” I took her hand and held it before we drifted off to sleep.

Well alright! Hope you liked it! I know its slow moving, but it will get better I promise! Anyone have any guesses on how Karina and Lou are gunna do their fake break up??? Lol let me know what you think!

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