The London Eye

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Forewarning: This chapter maybe short, probably not a chapter at all. Maybe just a filler for what's to come! After this filler, the story will take place 2 years into the future. Just letting you all know so you don't get confused.


"So you've never been to the London Eye before?" Tom asked as we stared up at the majestic structure.

"The thought never occurred to me." This was true. In the whole year and a half I've been living here, I haven't gone out to enjoy myself. I really haven't explored this place as much as I wanted to. I remember back in high school telling Ary my plans of living in London, exploring Europe, stalking One Direction. That part didn't necessarily end well, but hey, I can cross it off my bucket list.

He gave a little chuckle. "Are you afraid of heights? I don't want you to chicken out on me now." He shoved me playfully, to which I returned the favor.

"Not really, but there was this time in DisneyLand when I was on the Ferris wheel there. I don't know, but that one just creeped me out. Considering it was over the water maybe."

"Scared of water then?" He asked, as we neared the line for the London Eye.

"No, the only things I'm scared of are spiders, pedophiles, robbers, and goats. Those damned goats." I chuckled to myself. Oh the memories. For eight-thirty it was pretty chilly outside.

"What's your beef with goats?" He asked, eyeing me curiously, humor filling his eyes.

"You don't even want to know." I pulled my sweatshirt tighter around me. Tom, noticing my discomfort, placed an arm around my shoulder. All in all, it just felt awkward, like it wasn't supposed to be there. Like I didn't want it there...yeah I didn't want it there. I wasn't about to be rude and shrug it off, so I awkwardly stood there waiting for the line to quicken pace.

Soon it was our turn to enter into the capsules. I patiently waited until we were high enough to see most of the city. Big Ben and Parliament were better seen from higher up.

I stood so closes to the glass that every time I took a breath, it got fogged up. Tom chuckled from behind me. "It's beautiful from way up here. I mean, when you're down there, you can't see all the perfect details because you're so blindsided.

"It's even more beautiful at night. All the city lights and such; it just gives off some sort of night life." He was right. I took in the city below me. The lights of the London Eye reflected off the water making it colorful, as did the city lights. The shops were all lit up, tiny specks of people were walking down the street - walking with such purpose. It was all amazing. I loved sight-seeing, so this was all fun to me.I felt the gap close between our backs as Tom's front was pressed onto my back, not in a sexual manner, but because people were pushing and shoving. I looked up, sending a bright smile his way, which he gladly returned. This had to be the most fun I've had in a while.

Louis' Short Commentary.

I cringed at the thought of the date. How it must be going, what they must be doing. If they were kissing...God I hoped they weren't kissing. Lord forbid my life end before I have to witness that. Get it together Lou, it won't last. As soon as that date is over, she'll realize that he is nothing more than a friend, and I'll my chance at making her fall in love with me again. I sadly looked around the secret room Karina and I shared. I took in the swinging chair, the dusty old bookshelf she loved to read from, the big theater screen, and the balcony. I slowly walked over to the balcony, opening its doors and stepping out into the chilly night. I leaned forward, placing my hands on the railings and sighed. I looked straight ahead, the London Eye showing from beyond the houses and shops. "It's not like they'll last more than a week together..." I mumbled to myself.

{Ok, I apologize for the short filler chapter, but I have a lot of things planned for the next one. First off, like I said earlier it will take place 2 years into the future. Second, I know surprisingly enough, a lot of you loved Christian from the first book ( I have to ask you whyyyy? He is very irritating in real life.) he will be back! Beware of his antics. He will also bring along -inadvertently of course- a not so special guest. And third of all yes, the ages will change. Bella will be two. Liam, Niall, and Harry will be twenty- one. Karina and Ary will be twenty. Zayn will be twenty-two, and Louis Twenty-three. Anyways, those who read through this, comment 'goats' Thank you!}

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