''Are You Jealous?"

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''I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away..." - Nelly Furtado


''Can you just stop being so cryptic Louis? What's gotten into you? I don't plan on getting back at you like I said before. Just drop it alright?" I told him cooly. I don't even know why I come off as harsh towards him. He has been having anger issues ever since the break up;he was fine when Bella was born, but I don't want to ruin my chances. Just the way he was staring at me, he was burning holes into my green eyes, got me scared he might blow up. Over what?! Nothing! He overreacts. He stood there silently, just watching me. I sat back down on my computer chair and turned to face my laptop. "I don't have time for this. I have a paper to write."

"I just want to know..." he said quietly. I stopped typing, trying to analyze what was going on.

"What do you want to know Louis?'' I huffed.

"Why you won't give me a second chance.'' His normal bright blue eyes were a deep, sorrowful blue now. Those eyes that always pulled me in, gone.

"Love takes time to heal. And before you say 'Ten months was enough time to heal,' it wasn't. I don't get over things that quickly. And I'm not giving you the satisfaction.'' I continued typing, unaware of his sudden change in tone.

"What satisfaction?'' He growled. "This isn't a game. I won't be satisfied that you finally gave in. I'd be ecstatic that you saw past the heart break; that you gave me a second chance." I scowled at him because any moment now he would Bella up with his growling.

"Louis, I'm saying this in the best interest, let go." I wanted him to let go, that was the truth. I wanted him to let go of the fact that he can't always get what he wants. I wanted him to let go of his anger. But I didn't want him to let go of me, and I know that it is selfish to have him all to myself, but I couldn't stand the thought of not being with him. I can't stand this right now. We're so close, but so far away. The thought of me not being with him boggles my mind. I want him, but I reject him. I love him, but I play it off as no big deal. Maybe I am playing a game. A game indirectly of course.

"Let go...let go...let go." He kept repeating aloud. "LET GO. How on earth do you think I can let go of what we had?!" He shouted. I heard a slightly muffled cry from Bella, but it stopped as soon as it started.

"Again Louis, I'm done talking about this."Forget about this damn conversation, forget about this damn paper, forget about everything. I mumbled. I abruptly closed my laptop and stood up from my chair. I got in bed and threw the blankets over me. "See yourself out." He sighed in frustration, slamming - sort of - the door on his way out of my room. I turned the lamp on my nightstand off and started drifting off into sleep.


Ary was up around eight in the morning when I was getting ready to go to class. I told her the instructions on how to care for Bella before I left. Honestly, I didn't feel like going. I felt like curling up in my bed with Louis. His warm body pressed against my back, his arms around my waist, our fingers intertwined as we slept. Wait, what? Scratch that. I don't want to do any of those things. I parked my car in the student parking lot, hurrying to my first class because I didn't feel like chatting with anyone. But that was short lived because Tom was making his way towards me. Great. Woo. Terrific. Note the sarcasm. Not that I didn't enjoy his company, I didn't want to know about his thoughts when he met Louis at the hospital the other day. Louis came off as rude and sassy. When does he not? Tom didn't know that, and I really didn't feel like losing a friend because of my ex-boyfriends behavior. He sent me a hundred-watt smile, which I returned with a small one. He then engulfed me in a bone crushing hug, which I awkwardly returned.

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