Chapter 3

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The night from that point on was a whirlwind. I can remember having more drinks, lots more drinks. Shots, cocktails, beers, anything that I could get my hands on. This was far from unusual, especially lately. When you put me and Alex in a club with no supervision, things can get a little out of hand. Aside from the drinks and dancing, I couldn't remember such else. I know that I had spoken to Jake for a little bit when I would go get another drink, and he even joined us out of the floor for a little while, but there wasn't much chance for us to have a meaningful conversation in the compact space full of sweaty bodies and smoke clouds. 

All I know at this point is that my bed feels amazing, better than it ever had before. Reaching around the bed to pull the blankets up further, my hand hit an arm beside me, making me freeze. God, who did I bring home?! I promised myself I wouldn't do this anymore. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, mustering up enough strength before finally opening them and looking to my side. A wave of relief washed over me as I saw Alex beside me, both of us still fully clothed. But that comfort was soon replaced by panic, who's bedroom was this? It sure as hell isn't mine or Alex's. 

I stayed in bed and examined the walls for a few minutes, studying the music-related posters scattered around the walls and the guitars against the wall. After a few minutes, I finally decided that I should figure out where I am, no kidnapper would keep me in a room this nice, or at least that's what I was telling myself. I stood up and adjusted my dress to cover my ass, my heels were on the floor at the foot of the bed and my feet thanked me as I stood flat on the floor. Turning the nob slowly, I opened the door and looked around, a semi-dark hallway stretching to a lighter part of the house. My feet moved slowly and carefully across the wood floors before I made it into the main section of the house, a kitchen and dining room to my right and a living room to my left. I decided to check the living room out, turning and walking in silence to the big windows that showed tall trees all around. 

"You're up"

Those words just about made me jump out of my skin, my body turning around quickly with my hand on my chest and my mouth sitting open. Just as I turned, my eyes met Jake's, making me sigh in relief. 

"Oh my god," was all that I could manage to get out for a moment, stepping slightly closer to him so that I was in the hallway separating the two rooms, standing in front of him. "did you bring us back here last night?"

"Well, you certainly didn't just appear," he said with a chuckle, "you want some coffee?"

I hadn't even noticed the mug in his hand until now, the thought of coffee almost making me drool. "yes, please, that sounds amazing." I nodded. While he poured a second mug, I had time to look over his features in the soft morning light shining in through the trees. His jaw was sharp, and his nose was perfectly outlined, his messy hair back in a bun that I could tell he slept in. 

Soon, a warm mug was in my hand and I was sitting beside Jake on his couch. 

"So, yeah, when I saw Alex trying to make out with the bartender for a free shot, I figured you guys might need a ride home, and I don't know where either of you lived so I figured my place was a safer bet than leaving you behind. With the looks you two were getting, it felt like an obvious choice." Jake continued, finishing his story of how we got back to his place. "I was able to get you both to take your heels off, but you refused to change into anything more comfortable than that."

My cheeks felt hot as I realized how much he seemed to care, wanting us safe in a bed and trying to get us to sleep in something more comfortable. Same old Jake as in high school, always putting others before himself. 

"Well, thank you. Actually I can't thank you enough, I don't know what we would have ended up doing had you not brought us back here." 

He waved it off as if it was not big deal, "I wanted some more time to catch up anyways, it's been far too long." he smiled, making me return the gesture as I looked at him.

Jake was always an older brother sort of figure when they were in high school, Josh as well. See, I'm the same age as Danny, 6 months older than Sam, so the twins are 2 years older than me. Meaning, when I left, they had been past graduating and starting off with their music (seriously, more than just playing in the garage). But I always had a small something in my heart for Jake, as we were the closest during those years I spent in Frankenmuth. Sitting with him now, it felt like I had never left, like none of the chaos that had happened within those 6 years ever existed, it was like I had been hanging out in the garage with the boys just the night before. 

"The guys know that you're here, they really want to see you" he said in a softer tone, as if he knew how uncertain I would be before he even proposed the idea. 

I took a moment to think, considering everything that I've missed in these past 6 years. "Well, I would need to go home and change and shower and I need to brush my teeth a-" I started before he smiled and put his hand gently on my arm, the feeling of his calloused fingers against my smooth skin almost making me shiver. "You can do all of that here if you want to, you can wear something from my room and I have extra toothbrushes, if you don't want to do it today it's completely fine." he said calmly, he always knew when I was overthinking something, and how to bring me out of it.

After another minute of thinking, I finally came to a decision. 

"I would love to see them."

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