Chapter 13

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Three weeks, that's how long I've been living with Jake now. It's been great, honestly, we spend a lot of time together and we've only gotten closer. Lately, the guys have been over almost every night to practice. I like listening to them play, the music is beautiful and the lyrics really mean something. The boys always believed in writing music that would change the world, and that they did.

I walked through the door after quite possibly the longest shift of my life to hear them playing, though since I came home with such a headache, it was literally the last thing I wanted to hear. My night at the diner consisted of two full plates being spilled on me, a couple trying to dine and dash, and probably 6 old men telling me they wished I was on the menu. It was vile, to say the least. I sigh and toss my bag down on the counter before slipping my shoes off and going into my bathroom, turning my shower on hot before stepping into my room and grabbing shorts and a tank top to change into when I was all done. 

The shower was more than needed, I let the steaming water run over my body as I washed away the days stress, though I just didn't feel right. Since I moved in with Jake, my self esteem had gotten minimally better, but I still had my down days just like anyone else. Once I'm all clean, I step onto the bathmat and wrap myself in my towel, letting my damp hair fall over my shoulders and stepping into my carpeted bedroom. I toss the tank top I was going to wear aside and pull a big t-shirt on with my shorts instead, the hem of the shirt reaching mid thigh and making me feel slightly better. Since the practice space was on the same side of the house as my room, I decide that laying in Jake's room would be the best idea, since it was quieter in there. 

I go into the kitchen and grab a glass of water along with a couple Advil, taking them and turning the nob to his bedroom. It was so much quieter there, and his lamp just barely lit the room, making it perfect since I had a migraine. I close the door behind me and walk over to his bed, curling up under the blankets and laying my head on his pillows before turning the tv on and flipping to a random channel. I knew he wouldn't mind if I was in his room, he never cared before.

After about an hour, the guitar cut out as the other boys kept working, signaling to me that Jake was taking a break. The door opens and he walks in, looking at the tv and then at me. "Comfy?" he asks with a small smile, putting his guitar on the stand in the corner and sitting next to me on the bed. "mhm, my head hurts so I wanted to lay in here." I mumble back, earning myself a guilty look. "Don't say sorry or tell me you'll send them home, I'm perfectly fine." I say with a little chuckle as he smiles back, letting me know I beat him to it for sure. He looked at me for a moment when I looked back to the tv, I could feel his eyes studying me. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem off, like more than your head hurting." He asks, moving my hair back for me as I look up at him. 

"Yeah, I'm okay, I just had a long day. Promise." I nod, putting my pinky out. He latched his own pinky in mine and I kissed my side, pushing them so he would do the same on his side. "Go practice, you sound awful out there." I tease, causing him to roll his eyes with a bigger smile an kiss my forehead, telling me to get him if I need him and returning to the practice space. 

They practice for a couple more hours as I lay comfortably in Jake's large bed under the warm blankets that smelled just like his cologne. I knew he would probably eat or take a minute to himself before coming into the room, so I close my eyes, starting to drift off before I hear the door open. I open my eyes and look up at Jake, "You're still up?" he asks, seeming shocked.

"Mhm," I hum, nodding and scooting over so he would join me, "I couldn't fall asleep, I thought the tv would help. What time is it anyways?"

He checks his phone quickly before placing it on the nightstand, "about midnight" he says, climbing into the bed behind me and getting under the warm covers, pulling me close and holding me there. I could tell that he was watching the tv over my shoulder, which made me smile. When his arm draped over my side, I quickly turn to face him, letting it fall over my other side instead. I move closer and bury my face into his chest, feeling his fingers run through my hair before my phone starts buzzing on the table beside us, causing me to reach over and stop it. But before I knew it, it was going off again. 

"Just answer" Jake says, grabbing the phone and handing it to me as I sigh and take it, wishing it hadn't ruined our moment. "I don't even know who it is." I mutter, sounding obviously frustrated as I hold the phone to my ear and lay on my back, Jake still playing softly with my hair.


"Hello, is this Mary Jane Matthews? This is Dr. Jenson from Nashville General Hospital."

My mind wandered, I couldn't remember the last time I was in a hospital, so I knew it wasn't about me.

"Uh, yes, this is her. What's going on?"

"Well Miss Matthews, your mother has been checked in by a friend. He said he found her unconscious on the floor when he returned home, it appears she is suffering from alcohol poisoning."

He kept talking but I couldn't hear a word from the doctors mouth. I sit up quickly from my spot and Jake sits up next to me, giving me a concerned look as I stare at the wall, trying to sort my thoughts. Surely it hadn't killed her, or it wouldn't rather, the doctor didn't show any sadness or remorse in his voice. But that was literally his job, so maybe it did, and I just couldn't sense it from his tone. 

"Miss Matthews, are you still there?"

"Yes, yes, I apologize, I she okay? Is she awake and stable?" I didn't want to know the answer in reality.

"Your mother is doing just fine, she's sleeping now but her levels are coming back to normal. We strongly recommend checking her into a rehabilitation center, we have people here who can help you find one. If you'd like to come by and speak more about that, our visiting hours tomorrow begin at 8 in the morning."

I agree and we say our goodbyes before I hang up and let my phone fall onto the bed. I hadn't even noticed Jake's hand rubbing soft circles on my back until now. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks quietly. I look at him with glassy eyes as I bite my bottom lip softly, I wasn't going to cry, not right now. He must have known from the look in my eye, pulling my into his chest and wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back in attempt to comfort me as I close my eyes tightly. 

We stayed like that for just a few minutes before I composed myself and pulled away, repeating what Dr. Jenson had told me to Jake as he listened carefully. 

"Well, we'll get up early and we can pick some clothes up for her or something and head to the hospital. We should really talk to someone about rehab." He stated simply.

His use of the word we made my heart flutter a bit.

"You're coming with me?" I question, looking back up at him.

"Of course I am, unless you'd rather I stay back, I'm fine with either. I want to be there for you MJ."

He said those words like they were plain as could be, like it took him no thought for him to know he wanted to help me, but to me it meant the world. Instead of saying anything, I lay back down and bring him with me, wrapping my arms around him and laying essentially on top of him, burying my face in his neck. He rubs my back while I play with his hair and close my eyes, placing a few soft kisses on his shoulder as we both drift off.

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