Chapter 41

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The day had come for the boys to leave for tour, and I was more anxious than ever. When they found out that I wouldn't be at the first 4 shows, their pride overcame their disappointment. We celebrated the night I told them, drinks and fireworks and cupcakes made by Alex and Josh. Looking back on the night and knowing that I would be so far from them at such an important time made my heart ache.

"Jane, stop overthinking it," Jake says, pulling me into a hug as we stand outside of the studio, waiting for the bus to pick everyone up.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes, taking in the feeling of his arms wrapped around my frame. 2 weeks would have seemed short to anyone else, but without really having anyone else to surround myself with, these 2 weeks would be lonely. "I'm just going to miss you," I say softly.

"I'm gonna miss you too but we're gonna talk every day, and you'll be on a plane to see us before you know it."

Before I could respond, the bus pulls into the lot, making the entire situation feel more real.

I help the boys load their bags in before looking at all of them standing before me, trying to keep myself together as I go one by one and hug them.

"Ah, my Mary Jane, my artist, come on now," Josh says, pulling me in first with a smile. I hug him back before pulling away and giving him the most serious look I can. "Don't burn those vocal cords out, you're going to be amazing. And don't let Melanie get too many good shots, you're not allowed to replace me."

Melanie was the other photographer they had hired. We got along well and we agreed that she would be my fill-in when needed since she was also able to run their social media accounts.

Next was Danny, who towered over me in our hug in the most endearing way. "Crush this gallery, MJ, this is the first of many." His smile always warmed my heart.

"Crush those drums, Dan. Well, not literally, but you get what I mean."

We laugh for a moment before Sam approaches with open arms. "It's my turn, excuse me!" He says, pulling me into a tight hug which I return with the same strength.

"You're going to do amazing, Janey. Get to us in one piece, no partying without me."

I bury my face in his chest to keep my tough act together and not cry, closing my eyes tightly. When I pull away I nod with a tight smile, "I could never party without you, Sammy. We'll have one of our famous smoke talks the second I land, I promise."

Jake was next, and the guys all went onto the bus after group hugging me to give us some privacy. I stand in front of him, playing with my necklace nervously.

"I'm gonna need lots of pictures at the gallery, we'll facetime on all of our days off. This is exciting, don't let your brain tell you it isn't, okay?"

I nod and look up at him with the best smile I could muster, putting my hands on his cheeks. "I'm gonna miss you, Jakey," I say softly, resting my forehead against his and closing my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Jane. I'm one call or text away always, and I'll text you every night."

Rather than responding, I bring my lips to his, sharing a sweet kiss between us. It was obvious that neither of us wanted the moment to end, we wished we could be frozen there forever, but the horn sounding on the bus split us apart.

"Go have the time of your life, rockstar. I love you."

"I love you too, Jane, I'll see you in no time," he smiles, kissing me one last time before heading off to the large bus. I watch it pull away, waving to the boys until they're completely out of sight. After watching the bus disappear, I get into my car and rest my head on my steering wheel, closing my eyes to calm myself before driving home.


I hadn't even pulled into the driveway by the time I got the first 'I miss you' text from Jake. It was soon followed by a 'seriously, no parties without me' text from Sam which made me smile.

After texting them back, I head into my room to find outfits for the 6 days I would be presenting my work. My prints were all ready to be taken up on Wednesday. We had specific days to set up based on our last names, so Wednesday was when I would get a 4-hour time slot to perfect my setup and get everything ready for the weekend. The gallery was open for the weekends, so during the weeks I would have to find a way to occupy myself without the guys around.

Figuring the house could use a deep clean, I put on a record and toss my hair up into a bun before starting to clean the kitchen.

I was finishing up when my phone started ringing on the island, picking it up to see Sammy facetiming me. I chuckle and answer, fixing my hair in the camera. "Miss me already Sammy boy?"

"Something like that," he says, one of his hands twirling a strand of hair around his finger. I could tell he was in his bunk by the dull look of his surroundings and how quiet it was. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay, I know it's setting in for Jake."

I shrug and prop my phone up on the counter so I didn't have to hold it, sitting on one of the bar stools at the island. "I mean, I've been keeping occupied, but it's only day one. I already miss you all, it's quiet without you."

"We miss you too," he starts, "but this is really big for you, ya know? And we're all proud, super proud. I do miss having someone to pick on, all the heat is on me now."

I smile at his remark and shake my head, "you deserve it, let them push you around a little before you get back up on your high horse when I see you. Is Jake doing okay?"

"He's fine, you should call him tonight though. They're playing some card game or something right now or I'd put him on."

I shake my head and wave the suggestion away, "that's okay, he's gotta take his time to adjust just as much as I do. Go play cards with your brothers. And tell them that if they keep being mean I'll have to handle them when I get there. Make sure you sound real tough when you say it."

His laugh makes me smile, watching his face form the wide grin I had come to love so much. "I'll make sure they know that all 5'2 of you will handle them, J."

"I'm 5'4! And a half!"

"Mhm, 5'6 with shoes on, I know. Text me when you get bored, love you."

"Love you Sammy boy, bye!" I say, hanging up with a small sigh. It was going to be a long two weeks.

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