Chapter 4

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After another minute of thinking, I finally came to a decision.

"I would love to see them."

From the time I said those words on, I couldn't help but feel the anxiety pooling in my stomach. I haven't seen these boys in years, SIX years to be exact. I looked almost completely different now, similar enough for Jake to recognize me but still. I lost all my baby weight and then some after I had left, of course, that came with drinking your meals almost every day through your early twenties, but that's not important to the story right now. I had grown my hair out, it almost hit the middle of my back at this point and was healthier than ever since I went back to my natural brunette color years ago. My face was slimmer, my eyes were adorned by semi-dark bags that didn't seem to go away over the last few years. 

This was all I could think as I looked into the mirror in Jake's bathroom, having just taken a nice warm shower since he was so gracious to offer. The smell of all of his products mixed with the steam from the hot water filled the room and the scent of his body wash clung to my skin. I kept looking in the mirror, my hand running over my cheek to feel the warm skin under my fingers. 

"Hey, MJ?" Jake started softly from the other side of the door, careful not to scare me with the sudden sound of his voice, "I put some clothes out here for you and your clothes from last night, they're just outside the door. Are you hungry?"

God, why did he have to be so thoughtful? "I'm okay, thank you though, and thank you for the clothes!" I say back, stepping closer to the door. He said a quick "you're welcome" before I heard his footsteps heading out of his bedroom and his door closing. I opened the bathroom door and grab the clothes from the dresser, taking them into the bathroom with me and closing the door again. 

He had left me some of his sweats along with an old t-shirt and my clothes from last night, which appeared to be washed. I guess my shower took longer than I thought. I try the sweatpants on but I knew that, with the way they hung off of my frame, they'd be halfway down my ankles within 3 steps. Instead, I pull the tight black dress from the night prior back on and put the t-shirt over top, tying the front in a small knot so that the outfit looked like it was done on purpose. I pull the towel from my hair and shake it around before grabbing the extra toothbrush and finishing getting washed up,

After I looked in the mirror a little longer, I grabbed the towels and brought them with me as I went into the living room to find Jake. 

"Hey, is there a washing machine I should put these in?" I asked softly, causing his body to turn on the couch and his brown eyes to meet my blue ones.

"Oh yeah, here I'll take them." He nods, putting his phone down before grabbing the towels, heading off to what I assume was the laundry room. I follow quietly, watching him toss them in as I lean slightly against the wall, "thank you again, I know you didn't have to let me shower or borrow clothes, and it was really nice of you to get Alex an Uber." I say, messing with the necklace around my neck between my fingers.

"MJ, you don't have to thank me, I haven't seen you in years, I want you around." he says with a light chuckle, putting his hand lightly on the small of my back to lead me back to the living room and onto the couch with him. The gesture made me cheeks feel hot and turn a soft shade of pink, causing me to look down as I messed with my hands a bit in my lap. 

"The guys should be here pretty soon, are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" he asks, looking over at me once again.

"I'm really okay, but if you have Advil I would take one of those for sure."

He gave me a soft smile and got up, which made me follow him again, this time to the kitchen. I'm not quite sure why I wanted to follow him like I was, but I think it's just myself craving an old friendship, one other than Alex. She was all I had at this point. 

I sit at the island as he slides me a glass of water and hands two pills to me, I take them with a thankful nod and drink some of the water.

"So, are you and your mom still living with your grandma out here?" He asks, leaning against the counter as he stood across from me. I shake my head, swallowing the water in my mouth and putting my glass down.

"Oh, no, not for probably like 5 years now, she passed quite a while ago. I do still live with my mom though, we have a little house kind of near the club." I nod, feeling embarrassed at my words. 23 and living with my awful mother, but what more could I do? Had to save a whole hell of a lot more before I could get my own place. She may not do anything else good in my life, but the bills are cheaper if I stay there. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. About your grandma, I mean, I had no idea." He started quickly, causing me to smile a bit as I shake my head. "No, it's okay, we weren't very close."

He gives me a little nod but his eyes still study my face as I chew slightly on the corner of my bottom lip, thinking about the moment I have to leave this peaceful house and make my way back home. I was dreading it. 

Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, there was a knock on the door, "looks like it's reunion time." he smiles.

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