Chapter 20

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It's been about a week since that night, the night I got fired, the night Jake stayed with me and made sure I was okay. I think that that night truly shifted everything for me and Jake. Now that I'm not working at the diner, I'm with him a lot of the time. I've been in the studio with them almost every day, we hang out around the house when we aren't over there, and we're back to sleeping in Jake's room together every night.

I'd be lying if I said I don't have feelings for him, I have since I saw him again, but I'd also be lying if I said I didn't think he felt the same. Obviously, we've kissed, we sleep in the same bed, we spend every day together, it's like we're dating with no label and neither of us really talk about it.

It's been a week since Alex and I have spoken, too. She's been around Josh but is somehow never around Josh when I'm around him. He's tried to bring it up once or twice, but quite frankly it isn't his problem to resolve, it's hers. Does it hurt knowing that she could leave me behind so quickly? Absolutely, but that was her choice and she made it.

I had also accepted the offer from the boys to be their photographer and social media manager, which meant hanging out like we always do, but having a camera in my hand now. It's been fun, honestly, and I like seeing all of their fans on their social medias. Of course some of them are crazy and comment gross stuff, but the ones who love them love them.

"You in there?" Jake asks, pulling me from my thoughts and from where I had been staring at my computer screen.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking." I shrug, moving my laptop to the coffee table in front of us and looking over at him. His acoustic guitar was still in his lap since he was practicing while I edited photos, both of us sitting on the couch in the empty studio.

"Thinking about..." Jake starts, wanting me to finish his sentence as I scoot closer and rest my head on his shoulder, curling up next to him.

"Us, Alex, all of that. Can you play that again? It was really pretty." I request, a smile growing on my face when he strums the familiar chords of Always There. I always loved that song when he played it on acoustic. I close my eyes and rub his back softly while he plays, feeling him move with the song as he went along. When he finishes the song he puts his guitar on the stand and pull me into his lap, causing me to look up at him.

"Can I help you?" I ask with a small giggle, causing him to smile back at me.

"Just wanted to see that face. What draws you to that song? You've always liked it." He says, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear before resting both of his hands on my hips.

"It's just a beautiful song, it's like if you could put the feeling of love into music. The lyrics, too, it's just touching I guess." I nod.

"Reminds me a lot of someone I know." he says, a faint smile still on his face as he moves in slowly to kiss me. The kiss is tender and gentle, not hungry, not wanting anything more from it than to connect. When he pulls away, I leave my forehead pressed to his, closing my eyes.

"MJ, I know it might be weird timing, but I really love being around you, and you're one of the few people who really gets me. Would y-" he's cut off by the big doors opening to reveal Josh and Danny, making me sigh and bury my face in his neck. It felt like any moment we could possibly have would be interrupted somehow.

"Lovebirds!" Josh announces, "as much as I adore these heart warming moments, this is a shared space and we have practice to get to!"

I groan and look over Jake's shoulder at his twin, "You're the ones who were late, you can't blame us."

"Ah Mary Jane, I'll never stop blaming my dear Jake, and sadly you've roped yourself in by association. Had you picked the much cooler and funnier twin to live with, we could be tag teaming this by now. But you chose the guitarist. Anyway! Poor Samuel won't be making it today." he states, everything he said sounded like some weird royal announcement, but I'm far past used to him.

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