Chapter 40

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Alex and I had been talking again, things were feeling almost back to normal. Well, normal for me. The whole group was back to hanging out, all of the boys and the two of us. Tonight, we all decided to have drinks at Josh's house since he had a couple of movies he insisted we watch. He and Alex were talking again as well, not how they used to but we could all tell they were getting there. 

After getting dressed in a pair of comfortable shorts and a tank top, I go into Jake's room and lay on his bed while he fixes his hair in the mirror in his bathroom. The door was open, so he could see me plop down into the comfy sheets. "Baby, can you help me? My hair looks like shit," he says, dropping his hands from where they were tugging at his long brown locks. I get up with a smile, going into the bathroom, and picking the brush up from the counter. "What do you want me to do? You want it up or down?"

He thinks for a second before shrugging, looking at me in the mirror, "I don't know, nothing fancy, just make it look better."

He was always indecisive with his hair, so it wasn't much of a shocking answer. I take the brush and run it through his hair, careful not to pull at any knots before grabbing the hair tie that he was holding out for me. I pull it back so that half of his hair was in a small bun with the rest down, pulling at the bun to make it look messier and pulling a few of the front pieces out to frame his face. "Better?"

He takes a second to mess around with the front pieces before turning to face me with a smile, "Much better, thank you," he mumbles, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead and brushing my hair behind my ear. "We've got some time before we need to get to Josh's," he says, taking my hand and pulling me with him into the bedroom. I giggle when he pulls me into his lap, wrapping my arms around him and my legs around his torso. 

"I've got some news," I say, looking up into his eyes and watching them quickly change to confused. "I'm not pregnant, don't get any big ideas."

His body visibly relaxes as if I could read his mind, "that would add to the insanity, huh?" he jokes with a smile, "what's your news?"

"Well, it isn't like big news, it's just something to share," I pull my phone from beside us on the bed, opening up an email that I received earlier that morning from an art gallery in Nashville. The email contained an offer from the head of the gallery, who wanted to showcase a number of my photos of the guys. I draw my bottom lip between my teeth as I hold the phone out, watching his eyes skim over the text and his focused expression turning slowly into a grin. 

"A showcase Jane?! This is so amazing baby, I'm so proud of you," he was beaming at this point, a proud look that I had never seen quite like that painted onto his face. The nervousness hadn't subsided though. I take my phone and scroll a bit further, turning it for him to look again. 

"The showcase is the first two weeks of the tour," I say quietly, "but I thought the offer was really cool, I hope I keep it up so that maybe they'll ask again next year."

His eyebrows knit together with confusion as he looks over my face, a light pout gracing his lips. "What do you mean next year? Why not this year?"

"Tour, Jake, as the photographer I kind of need to be there to...photograph."

He's quick to shake his head, dismissing the thought the second it reaches his ears. "Someone can fill in for you for two weeks, you have to take this opportunity. This is huge, MJ."

"It would be selfish of me, taking pictures for you guys is my job. Plus it would be selfish as your girlfriend, this tour is far bigger than anything I'm doing." I shake my head, scooting back a little on his lap and setting my phone back down on the bed. 

His hands find their spot on my hips, his eyes looking deeper into mine as he leans in just slightly. "Be selfish then, you're allowed to do big things for yourself, I refuse to rip you away from this. We'll have someone fill in for two weeks, two short weeks, and then you'll be with us for the rest of the tour. I need you to be as proud of yourself as I am, my love, you've worked so hard to get here."

Rekindled- Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now