Chapter 30

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TW: Mention of drug use

A couple of weeks later, I find myself in the kitchen, cooking to my favorite Motown record and waiting for Jake to get home from the studio. I pull a sheet pan out of the oven as I hear the door open, not letting it distract me from my singing and dancing. When Jake steps in, I feel him staring at me from the doorway, causing me to turn around with a smile on my face, matching his perfectly.

I pull the oven mitt off of my hand and toss it aside, making my way over to him and draping my arms over his shoulders as his snake around my waist. We move in sync, slowly swaying to My Girl by The Temptations, both singing softly as we move. When the song ends and it goes quiet, signaling that the side was over, I stand on my toes a bit and peck Jake's lips, brushing his hair out of his face. "Dinner should be all done," I smile.

"It smells amazing," he says, his eyes grazing over me as I walk over to the record player in the living room and put the vinyl back. I come back in and turn the oven off along with the stove, fixing him a plate before making my own and setting them on the table.

I grab two beers and open them up, bringing them with me as I join Jake in sitting down to eat.

"Thank you for dinner, it smells really good," he says, taking a sip of his beer before starting to eat.

"I'm gonna run some over to my mom's house when we're done, I haven't been there in a while."

"That's a good idea. The guys are gonna come over in a little while to watch a movie so we can wait until you get home to start."

"Oh, no, you guys don't have to wait up for me. I'm not sure how long I'll be, I'll join in when I get home," I nod, taking a bite of my food and sitting back in my chair. 

Shortly after finishing up with dinner, the boys all come over, making themselves at home in the living room. 

"Will you be joining us for tonight's cinematic adventures? We're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey, I remember how much you love that one," Josh teases, recalling all of the times he forced me to watch it and how I complained every single time. It's his favorite, and it was exceptional the first 3 times I watched it during one of my many sleepovers with the Kiszka's. After that, though, it got old. Well, for me it got old. 

"As much as I would love to, I have to run some dinner to my mom's house. Save me a good spot on the couch, though, I'll be back before it ends hopefully," I nod, shooting him a smile which he returns before heading back to the living room. The Alex drama had faded weeks ago before the mini-tour started. Josh and I sat down and talked it out so things wouldn't be awkward, but in all honesty, it wouldn't have been awkward for me anyway. 

I go into Jake's room where he was changing into something more comfortable and give him a quick kiss, "I'm gonna head over, do you guys need anything while I'm out?"

He shakes his head after thinking for a moment, "I think we're good, but thank you. Have a good time, don't overthink it, okay?" He asks, looking into my eyes with raised eyebrows. 

"No promises, but I'll try. I love you."

"I love you too, be safe," he says, watching me walk out. I say bye to all of the boys before getting into my car and heading to my mom's house for the first time in months. 

I drive the familiar 10-minute route before parking and getting out, holding the leftover container in one hand and using the other to knock on the door. There are 2 cars out front but I think nothing of it, figuring that even if she has company, I can drop this off and get out of her hair. After a while of no one answering the door, I knock again, slightly harder this time in case she didn't hear me. 

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