Chapter 22

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The cabin is absolutely beautiful. The wooden walls made the entire house smell like heaven and gave it a homey feel like the one the Kiszka family always went to when we were younger. I had tagged along on a few cabin trips with them in high school, sometimes with the whole family, sometimes just me, the boys, and Ronnie.  Since the twins were older than us, their parents trusted us to go alone, not worrying about us doing anything crazy since the house was always perfect when we left. I suppose what they don't know can't hurt them.

"How did you talk them into giving us the biggest room?" I ask Jake, setting my bag down on the bed and sitting beside it, taking in beauty of the room. There was almost an entire wall that was glass, a sliding door that led to the balcony just at the end of that wall. Outside of the big window I could see the trees swaying in the wind ever so lightly, and the light rain against the balcony sounded like music and filled the room nicely while still staying faint. 

"It took a little bribing, but there is a small catch..." He trails, setting his stuff down and rubbing his face as he looks over at me, which made me even more nervous because it meant that he was nervous.

"And the catch would be..." I prompt with a questioning tone in my voice, looking at him with raised eyebrows as I move my necklace through my fingers. 

"Well," he sighs, leaning against the dresser that was set up across from me, "Josh invited Alex and she's gonna be here soon. And she doesn't know you're here either." He got quieter towards the end of his sentence and I let out a small sigh.

"Okay, yeah, that's fine." I nod, getting up and pulling my hair out of the bun I had tossed it in when we were bringing all of the groceries in. 

"It is?" He asks with raised eyebrows.

"Mhm," I hum, looking in the mirror attached to the dresser as I braid my hair out of my face, "nothing I can do to change it, so why should I stress? Alex and Josh are, well whatever they are, and we're dating. You're brothers, you're twin brothers, me and Alex won't be the ones to split you guys apart because we don't get along." I ramble, shrugging and keeping my eyes on what I was doing so that I wouldn't mess up. 

I see Jake come up behind me, leaning over my shoulder to kiss my cheek and looking at me in the mirror, watching me work quietly. After a few seconds, he speaks up in a whisper, "You know you're beautiful, right? Inside and out, the most beautiful girl in the world."

I look at him in the mirror, tying the end of my braid off as I watch his arms wrap around my waist and my cheeks flush a soft pink color. Once my hands are free, I place them on top of Jake's and look at him with a smile. 

"You always know just what to say, don't you?" I say, leaning my head against his shoulder and looking at how perfectly his arms wrapped around me, how my head fit perfectly on his shoulder, and how our fingers fit as if they were made to be intertwined. 

"I can see the gears turning up there," He says, leaning in and placing a few kisses on my cheek down to my jaw, "what's on that beautiful mind?"

I shake my head a little, not feeling like going too far into detail. "I'm just feeling lucky, I guess." I say, finally moving my eyes from the sight of me and Jake in the mirror and turning to him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. 

I want to say it, every inch of my body wants me to admit my feelings to the man in front of me. I want to fully open up, tell him how the way he looks at me makes my stomach flutter, how the sound of his voice could calm me in just one second, but this wasn't the time for all of that. My thoughts are brought to reality when I hear Sam yelling from the hallway, only proving to me that there was a better time and place for this. 

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