Chapter 8

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Once we stepped into the club, I could feel the bass in my chest as the music filled my ears and the scent of smoke and liquor stung my nose. I had texted Alex earlier, asking her to come out if she found some time after her shift. As much as I loved being with the boys, I felt bad sending her home alone today. 

"Can we do a round of tequila shots?" I asked the bartender as the boys all found a seat. He looked me up and down and nodded with a grin, pouring each shot before setting them in front of me. "On the house, pretty lady like you shouldn't have to pay for a thing." He says through his smile, causing me to shudder at his yellowed teeth but shoot him a faint smile back. "thank you" I mumble quietly as the boys keep a close eye on the guy, but Jake's eyes weren't fixed on him, they were on me. It was like he was trying to see through me to how I felt. I send them all a reassuring nod before handing out shots and downing mine quickly.

The burn on my tongue and the warmth the alcohol brought to my stomach was familiar and nice, a feeling that got me through so many hardships the past few years. After a couple of vodka sodas for me and some beers for the boys, we were all ready to dance. Alex arrived pretty soon after we stepped onto the floor and took an instant liking to Josh. Good luck to her.

We all danced to the loud music, I kept myself with either Jake or Sam the entire night, downing various drinks since it hadn't much mattered what I was being handed. That was a blessing and a curse, I would drink anything someone gave me, unless I thought it was spiked. When I was done downing another vodka soda, I bring myself back to Jake and put my hands on his shoulders as he looks at me, smiling gently. 

"You know, you're a very pretty man." I say, slightly slurred.

He smiles and shakes his head a bit "You're a very pretty girl, but god are you shitfaced." he says, just loud enough for me to hear. "Who cares? Dance with me!" I smile, turning around and pressing our frames together as he snakes his arm around my waist from the back. At first the dancing was casual, but the more the alcohol hazed my thoughts, the more I found myself grinding against him to the rhythm of the club songs. "MJ," he said softly, moving me off of him slightly. I turn around and look up him, my eyes slightly widened "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. I'm gonna go outside for a second." I say quickly as he nods, taking my words as a sign to follow behind me. I step into the cool night air and pull a pack of cigarettes from my bag placing one between my lips and cupping my hand around the end as I flick my lighter, waiting for the end to light up before pulling it from my lips. I take a few drags in silence, tilting my head back as I pull the cigarette away once more, exhaling the smoke and looking at the sky as Jake takes it from my hands. 

"Since when are you a smoker?" he asks, breaking the silence as he brings the cigarette to his own plump lips. 

I chuckle and continue looking at the stars. "Lot of bad habits. Look at the moon," I say, changing the subject and pointing at the glowing orb, though I knew he was still looking at me. "It'll be a full moon tomorrow."

"You just know that?" he asks as I take the cigarette back and put it back between my lips.

"I love the moon, it's always there, it never leaves."

"You always have." he says with a smile as our gazes finally meet. "I remember when we went camping for the first time, you made us all stargaze for hours. Josh got so bored he started naming the stars."

He may not have known it, but that was one of my favorite memories

"Come ON Janey, we've been out here for an hour!" Sam whined from his spot next to mine, his hand falling back to his side as we all lay on the grass, staring at the dark sky freckled with stars. 

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