Chapter 25

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"No, this looks ugly," I say, smoothing my hands over the dress on my body and turning around to face the 3 boys sitting in my room. Danny had pulled my desk chair up, Josh is sitting on the edge of my bed, and Sammy is laying with his head on my pillows. Originally, I invited Sam over to help me pick an outfit, but he dragged Danny along with him, and Josh just kind of shows up when he wants to. 

"It's not ugly, trust me, dear Jake would find you breathtaking in a stained t-shirt," Josh says, shaking his head.

"Thank you, but I'm surprising him, I want everything to be perfect." I sigh, going to my dresser and digging through the already open drawers. 

"Well, why are you going for a dress? Nothing you guys are doing is exactly fancy, why don't you wear like a skirt or pants? More to style with that." Sam says, tossing a ball up in the air and catching it in his hands. 

I pause and look over at him, "that's actually maybe the most logical idea you've had all day."

He sits up and gives me a pretend hurt look before coming over to my dresser, shooing me away, and looking through my drawers. After he pulls a few pieces out, he piles them into my arms and orders me to go try it all on in the bathroom. I never know how these situations will pan out. 

I go into my bathroom and pull the dress off, looking at everything that he handed me. I had a pair of fishnet tights, heavily ripped jeans, a cropped Hendrix shirt, and a shoe tie belt. The shirt brings in some nice color while the rest of the outfit is fairly plain. I pull on the tights, then the jeans and shirt, tying the shoelace belt around my waist and looking in the mirror. Oddly impressive for Sam. I come out and stand in front of the boys waiting for feedback. 

"It's perfect, I amaze myself every day." Sam smiles proudly.

"You should wear black heels or something with it, good job Sam," Danny says, sending me an encouraging smile.

"It's nice, good touch with the Hendrix shirt." Josh nods.

I thank them all and go over to my shoes, grabbing heeled black boots and setting them out before starting to pick up all of the clothes I had tossed around my room. Once everything is put away, I sit at my vanity and do a little bit of light makeup, talking about the entire night with the boys while I do. I planned a full date night for me and Jake, and it was all a surprise. He was away at some guitar thing, shooting another video for a company, so I figured this was my perfect chance. He does so much for me, he deserves to be treated for a while.

"Okay," I start, putting the finishing touches on my hair so it sits just right over my shoulders, "he should be home in like 15 minutes, so, I love you all, but out you go." I stand up and walk with them to the front door, thanking them all one last time and giving each boy a tight hug before sending them home.

Once they're out, I check the time, making sure I was right on when he'd be home. I open the fridge to settle my nervous mind that the picnic basket was still there and hadn't magically disappeared before going over to the table and grabbing the big blanket I had set out, along with a few other things, before running them out to my car, putting them in the trunk for later. 

For the next 15 minutes, I sit on the couch, overthinking every detail of the night in my head. First, we're gonna go to this gorgeous wooded area that me and the boys often go to think or take pictures or smoke, we'll have a picnic there and watch the sunset. It's the perfect sunset spot and Jake has probably told me that a thousand times, but I still agree. After that, the plan is to come home and make sundaes and watch movies together until we fall asleep. I have everything as ready as I can, I even put some fairy lights up in my room and made it cozier looking with mountains of blankets so we can sleep in there. 

By the time I pull myself from my thoughts, I check the time to realize it had been 10 minutes since Jake was supposed to be home. I sigh and grab the remote, turning the tv on and putting my booted feet up on the table. Being with a musician is hard sometimes, you never know how long they'll really be when they have rockstar stuff to do.

I watch tv for a little while, eventually pulling a blanket over my body and laying on the couch since getting comfortable seemed like the most logical thing to do at this point. It's been almost an hour, and I've been checking my phone every few minutes, but nothing. I sigh and shut the tv off, shoving my blanket to the side and getting up. I unlock my phone and let my finger hover over his contact for a moment before hitting call and holding the phone to my ear. I don't want to interrupt anything, but I'm also worried about my boyfriend. The worry only grows when I hear his voicemail play right away, meaning his phone is off. I feel the anxiety of not being able to reach him creeping up my body as I walk out to the patio, smoking a cigarette to try to calm myself down and kill some time. 

After two more hours, the anxiety fades and the frustration kicks in. He knows my number, he knows his brother's numbers, he hasn't tried calling or texting any of us, even off someone else's phone. I stand on my bed as I pull the lights down from the wall and ceiling, wrapping them up and popping them back into my closet. Waiting around, at this point, feels pointless. I walk to the kitchen and pull the picnic basket out, grabbing a sandwich from one of the bags and the container of strawberries. The way I had cut the stems off the make them look like hearts made me sick to my stomach now. I grab a plate and check the time as I do, 10:15. The house was darker now, only the lamps illuminating it. The sun had set around the time I had given up on the idea of this perfect night, seeing as how the sunset was half of the plan. As I put my food on the plate, I hear the front door open, but don't bother to look up. I take the container from the strawberries to the sink and start washing it, feeling Jake's arms wrap around my waist and a few kisses being pressed to my cheek, the smell of beer mixed with his cologne and filled my nose. I shake him off and walk back over to my plate, picking it up to go eat in my room. 

"You look pretty, baby, where are you going?" He asks, still trying to bring me closer to him. He isn't drunk, but he's not sober.

"You didn't drive like that, did you?" I ask, only making eye contact with him for a moment.

He shakes his head quickly, "I got an Uber. Where are you going? Come sit with me." He loops his fingers into one of my belt loops and tries to bring me with him into the living room, causing me to put my plate down and move his hand off of me. "What's your problem tonight?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows together and looking at me with a frustrated look. 

I reply with a dry laugh, shaking my head. "You could have called and told any of us that you were gonna be home late. I'm going to Sam's, there's food in the fridge. Whatever you do, don't wait up for me." 

And with that, I'm out the door, ignoring anything Jake was saying as I walked out and made my way down the road to Sam's house, knocking on the door and waiting for one of the two boys to come to answer it. Sammy opens the door in his pajamas, seeing my face and frowning, pulling me in and closing the front door behind me.

"So he didn't even tell you where he was when he came in?" Sam asks from where he's standing beside his dresser as I sit on his comfortable bed. "Nope," I say, popping the P sound and shaking my head, "didn't apologize for not calling or texting, nothing. Like part of me thinks that me being angry is irrational, but what if he got hurt or something? None of us knew where he was, plus I know he has our numbers memorized and I know at very least one of the guys he was with had their phones on them." I ramble, looking up at my best friend as he hands clothes to me to sleep in. I thank him and stand up, giving him a tight hug and heading to the bathroom to change. I decided to stay off of my phone for the night, so I left it downstairs. Hopefully, Jake was smart enough to figure out how to contact me by now if he needed me.

 I change into Sam's shirt and sweats, washing my makeup off in his sink and pulling my perfectly done hair up into a messy bun, feeling irritated and exhausted. I come back out and Sam is already in bed, gesturing for me to join and pulling me close under the covers before shutting the light off and placing a soft kiss on the top of my head. And I fall asleep just like that, in the arms of the wrong Kiszka.

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