Chapter 3 - Alleviate

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" Tell me what you see
I see fire burning desperately
Don't let me, don't let me down
Silence the, silence the sound. "

'Alleviate' - Imminence


Emily said goodnight to Shannon after he helped her to clear up his mess in the kitchen and set the dishwasher going overnight, but before they parted ways in the hallway, Shannon wrapped her in his arms and slid his hands up under the oversized t shirt she wore; grazing his fingers lightly up the sides of her body.

She moved to encircle his neck with her arms and played with the hair at the nape of his neck, before running her fingers through the baulk of it.

"You're incredible Emily. Don't let anyone tell you any different." He removed one hand and cupped her jaw, pressing his lips firmly against hers.

"You promise me you won't ditch me, even if this baby isn't yours? I'm scared Shannon. I don't think I could get rid of it. I-I'm not saying we have to be together; I'm not wanting anything from you financially. I-I-"

Shannon cut her off; lightly reaching out to tuck some loose tendrils of hair behind her ear. "I'm a man of my word Emily. I said I would be there for you, even if it turns out not to be mine. I'll be right by your side through everything and of course I'll help out financially, if you'll let me." He looked at her, his amber eyes glowing softly in the light of her hallway.

"I just-where do I even start?"

"We'll figure out things together. I'm just as new to all of this as you are. Hell, I'll even pitch in with clearing up poop." He laughed.

Emily smiled shyly up at him. "You better. I'm not always going to be the only one up to their elbows in nappies and puke. I'm just worried about what Jared will say. What's going to happen to your band? Your fans? When you're on tour?"

"Woah woah woah! Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, shall we?"

"I'm just being realistic." She sighed.

"I know, but lets just take each day as it comes, OK? We need to book you a hospital appointment first."

"OK. Sure."

"Good. Maybe we can sort that this week?"

"You're planning on stay a week, are you?"

"I am." He tilted his head down and grinned at her, placing a light kiss on her forehead.

"What about-"

He silenced her with his mouth. "Let me worry about my brother and all of that stuff." He mumbled against her soft, full lips, letting the fingers on the hand that was stroking her side move to trail up her spine, feeling every individual vertebra.

Shannon felt Emily arch her body into his and let out a gentle moan.

"Stay with me tonight." Shannon whispered into her ear.



She didn't say anymore, but Shannon reached for her hand and reached behind himself and twisted the door knob to the Guest Bedroom, clicking the door open and pulling her inside after himself. Once he had kicked the door close behind himself with his foot, he moved to push Emily up against the back of it, hungrily attacking her neck. He felt her gasp and tug at the lapels of his shirt, her delicate fingers working their way down the front, gradually undoing every button on his shirt until they were all undone and sliding her hands to his shoulders, helping him off with it.

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