Chapter 5 - Calm the Storm

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Say you'll never let me go

Say you'll never leave me here alone
Calm the storm inside my heart
Be the hope that I'll be waiting on. "

'Calm The Storm' - Spoken



The sound of Emily's phone ringing cut through into the dream she was currently having and she gradually started to come round, slowly opening her eyes. Rolling onto her side she heard the sound of soft rhythmical breathing and Shannon started mumbling in his sleep. Emily smiled and chuckled to herself as she watched him.

He was currently lying on his front, with his arms under the pillow and his head was turned to face her. She lay there, studying him for a while, ignoring her ringing phone. He had the most incredibly long eyelashes, that just about grazed his cheeks, it was one of the first things she had noticed about him when she first met the Leto brothers back at the Gucci store. She reached out with a finger and lightly traced around his lips with it seeing his mouth twitch as she did so and bit back a laugh.

Her phone started to ring again and she knew she couldn't ignore it any longer, so made to reach over Shannon to her bedside table where she had plugged it in to charge over night, when she felt a large, warm hand on the back of her thigh. She looked down as she leant over him, as soon as she felt the sensation of his touch on her skin.

"Lean down a bit." He grinned up at her sleepily, looking from her breasts; still bare from the night before, and back up to her face, trailing a finger from the hand that was on the back of her thigh, upwards. Up to the crease of the butt cheek, upwards feeling the full pertness of it as he did so, to trail across the width of the small of her back. His hand lingering there caressing it with small circles.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Alright horn dog. Play your cards right and I might make you a coffee and bring it to you in bed."

"Must be my lucky day." He smirked, rolling onto his back as she still hovered over him. He moved his hands up to rest on her hips and stroked them with his thumbs.

"I've got to get my phone. Someone keeps ringing me." She told him.

"Here." He rolled onto his side to take a hold of and unplug her phone before rolling back to hand it to her. Leaning up to catch her lips as he did so.

"Thank you." She whispered back at him, grinning, before pushing herself up off of him, standing up and crossing over to the back of her bedroom door to find her black satin dressing gown and pulled it on.

Suddenly a wave of nausea hit her and her hand flew to her mouth as she braced herself against her bedroom door.

"Emily. Are you OK?" Shannon asked from still lying-in bed. He soon realised she wasn't, and flung the sheet back, scrabbling out of bed and rushing over to her. He wrapped her in his arms and lifted her, carrying her into the bathroom and setting her down in front of the bathroom sink, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her upright whilst she braced herself against the sink and retched. "How long has this been going on for?" Shannon questioned, lightly rubbing up and down her back trying to sooth her.

"A couple of weeks, I guess. I'm not too sure." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and ran the tap to wash the vomit down the drain.

Shannon looked around the bathroom and found a flannel, running it under the sink tap and carefully guided her back to sit on the edge of the huge bath tub before he gently proceeded to wipe around her mouth for her, returning it to the sink once more to wash it. He crouched down in front of her and reached out to take her hands in his huge mitten-like hands. "I'll see if Dr Newman can prescribe you some anti-sickness medication when he arrives a bit later."

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