Chapter 22 - Threats of Romance

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" Things that are pretty are always kept behind glass
Someone like me, someone like me can't make it last
I like you damaged, but I need something left
Something for me, something for me to wreck... "

'Threats of Romance' - Marilyn Manson


Emily and Shannon were lounging on the hotel's Super Kingsized bed. Shannon had changed back into his boxers, whilst Emily was snuggled in the complimentary fluffy, white bathrobe.

Shannon had ordered Emily pistachio ice cream as per her request, and they were now cuddled up together, watching old 'Sex in the City' re-runs.

The weather had unpredictably turned into a thunderstorm, but they had kept the French Doors open slightly as Emily loved to hear the rain lash down whilst cuddled up in the warmth with Shannon

Before Shannon had bought his house in Seattle, he couldn't remember the last time he had heard and witnessed a thunderstorm. He had grown so acclimatised to the arid desert weather of California.

A sudden flash of lightening caused Emily to jump slightly.

Shannon chuckled. "Did you just jump?"

"Oh, and like you didn't?" Emily replied to him, grinning and slowly licking the ice cream from the metal spoon she was holding.

She saw Shannon bite his lower lip as his amber eyes stared intently at her.

"Don't do that, or I'll have that robe off you and you underneath me quicker than you can say, 'Bruce Willis'."

They both paused for a while until Emily finally registered what Shannon had exactly said.

"Bruce Willis? What the fuck Shan?" She laughed at him and proceeded to seductively lick down the handle of the spoon whilst making eye contact with him.

"Emily. Seriously?" Shannon whined, gesturing downwards with his eyes to where his dick had grown hard and was straining against his boxers once again.

Emily's eyes followed suit, before she smirked and shrugged her shoulders.


"You will be the death of me." He sighed, moving a hand down to his crotch to try and readjust himself to find some relief.

"Do I really turn you on that much?"

"YES!" Shannon exclaimed with a strained laugh.

Emily blushed at his response. She shifted her position slightly to face him, before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising? You can't help it." He suddenly lent in and quickly stole the spoonful of ice cream she was about to put in her mouth.



"I was about to eat that."

"I know."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

There was suddenly another flash of lightening and a boom of thunder and she shrieked.

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