Chapter 12 - Feed Me With Your Kiss

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Yeah, can you get what you see
But you can't have what you can't
Hey, what's come down over me
It's the way you stood, it's the way you stood

'Cause things the way they are
I guess you might go real far
So feed me with your kiss. "

'Feed me With Your Kiss' - My Bloody Valentine


The morning sun cast its golden rays across Emily and she started to unfurl like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. Rolling onto her back she stretched, the faint spicy whiff of Shannon's aftershave graced her nostrils, but she realised he wasn't lying next to her. Eventually her thoughts came to her and she started to remember the scenes from last night and laughed to herself at the absurdity of it all, until her mind landed on the part where Jared had kissed her Goodnight.

What had that been about? She hadn't kissed him back, had she? She hoped she hadn't. He infuriated her. His arrogance, the way he always made sure he was the centre of attention and the way he was so overly-dramatic about everything. If you didn't know the two, you'd have been forgiven for thinking that the two were friends rather than brothers they were such polar opposites to one another.

Did Shannon need to know his brother had tried it on with her last night? Was Shannon used to it? Would she actually gain anything from it? More importantly, would it make the situation between herself and Shannon any better?

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the kitchen area followed by someone cursing. She threw back the bedsheet and rushed down the corridor towards the commotion.

"Shannon? Shannon? Are you OK? What's happened?" She called out as she rounded the corner from the hallway.

Shannon was hunched over in the middle of the kitchen floor sweeping up the remnants of something that had smashed.

"Hey. What happened?" Emily asked soothingly. She walked over to him and ran a hand over his back.

"I was trying to make coffee, but the cup slipped out of my hand. Fuck, I have a banging headache." He groaned.

Emily tried to hold back a laugh, as she knew he must have one hell of a headache from how she had seen him last night. Did he even remember any of it? Were they good now after her massive slip up yesterday?

"Look. Let me clear this up and make you a coffee. Why don't you go and take a shower to freshen up?" She reached out and placed a hand on his and gently took the dustpan and brush from him.

"Urgh, I don't deserve you." He made to kiss her, but she pushed him off of her.

"Ew gross! No Shan you stink. Come back and try that with me after your shower and you might get lucky."

He pushed himself to stand up and suddenly his head was pounding. He held a hand to it. "Did I make a complete ass of myself last night? I did, didn't I? I apologise for that."

"You did manage to announce to the entire bar that I was going to give you a blowjob in the back of Jay's car, but apart from that. I don't kiss and tell." She looked up at him from being crouched on the floor sweeping up the remnants of the smashed coffee mug and winked at him.

"Wait! Did I actually get a blowjob from you in the back of my brother's car?" Shannon's head suddenly snapped down to her on the floor.

"No! I'm certainly not doing that in the back of his car!"

"What about in the front?" He smirked.

"No!" She laughed, standing up and slapping him on the arm.

"Hey, ow!" He manged to catch her and grab her around the waist and pull her to himself.

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