Frustrated (slight nsfw)

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As you stretched your wings in hopes that they even moved, since they'd been hanging and dragging so much, you sighed and rubbed your face. Your heavy wings were causing your skin to tear and bleed. Moving them even the slightest hurt, but stretching them in the mornings after a long night and day of dragging, was a relief.

You hadn't heard from your little brother Meliodas in tree thousands years (human realm years). Not since he split from the Ten Commandments and infuriated father. You thought he was dead, until you were needed by him.

Before he left the last time to go see his forbidden love you had given him one of your feathers, which was used in battle to summon you. With him having your feather, you could get direct messages from him no matter what realm he was in.

He said he wanted to show you something. You were shocked to even find out he was alive and now he needs something from you?

~Well at least he's alive. But father would surely chain me up. To keep me from going anywhere of my free will, if he were to find out about me meeting up with Meliodas...... whatever, it's not like he's not basically doing that already.~

You got up from your bed and put on your gown which was black and a dark purple that had the back out for your wings, and a cloak with a hood to cover them. It was all old but pretty and your favorite out of the few so you wore it the most.

As you took a slow deep breath opening the portal directly to Meliodas, you stretched your wings one more time before stepping through.

When you walked through, you found yourself right in-front of him but you were outside in the forest. It was dark and empty with no one around other than you and your brother.

"Hey sis." His joyful voice was a bit out of place by what you remembered but you shrugged that off and just smiled glad to see his face again.

"Hey Melio" you smiled and gave him a hug. "I heard what father had done to you... but I thought they were just rumors to cover up your death or banishment for your betrayal ...I wish I could have done something for you-"

"I know.....and it's not your fault. You helped plenty. Even being here right now shows that I can trust you with anything. " His words made you smile as he warmed your heart. "Anyways. How are your wings. Have they been-"

"Worse?..when have they ever better."

"I was gonna say getting better....but i guess you gave a more accurate answer."

"It's that obvious huh. Father threatens my head each time I speak when I'm not to."

"And that's something different?" You both laughed and agreed that he'd always throw threats at her, but never gave anything to prove he'd actually do it.

"Your right about that.....So. Why did you summon me here. I know it's not to catch up on life."

"You're right. It's not. I need a favor from you."

"That depends on the favor."

"Well it's not something easy of corse..... I was thinking you could help me gather something."

"Like what."

"Well. It's kinna a person. Not a what. I'm putting together a team. I'd be the leader. I already have a few types of people in mind but I need a particular one that'll be a little different to get to."

"How come."

"Lets just say he's behind bars."

"So you need to break into a jail."

"No....I need you to break in for me."

" this some type of magical jail with strong gaur-"

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