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Both you and Ban walked along each others sides until you both got close to where Meliodas was, you could just feel the tension that was waiting.

Suddenly Ban stopped walking and you bumped into his back gently while you were looking around. When you looked up you saw him looking forward into the darkness.


"Ban." Meliodas walked forward a bit so he could see him better. Although you could see him clearly. "You took something that belonged to me."

"Yeah.... can have it back." He threw your used feather letting it dart through the air to Meliodas who caught it with ease.

"Well I think it's kinna obvious it has no use anymore."

"I'm not letting my her go back to that place so you can forget trying to convince me to."

"That's not for you to deside."

"Then who's say is it. She. Stays."

"....." the tense atmosphere only grew thicker. You had to do something. At the least, say something.

"Meliodas." You let go of Ban's hand and stepped from behind him, stepping forward to talk to him.

The both of you made eye contact with no words. Just by the pleasing look on your face, you could basically speak to him with no words showing just how much you wanted this.

"Alright. Fine." His whole tone changed as the tense atmosphere disappeared. Melio was back to his usual playful self.

In response you lightly bowed as much as your weak back would allow, which was not much, showing your respects to your brother.
"Thank you."

While helping you back up and keeping a tight eye contact with him. Ban stepped forward and in front of you getting between both you and Meliodas being protective even though everything was fine.

"Ban it's fine. He'll let me stay." You put your hand on his chest to try and calm him down, and noticed how warm he was.

"But why. He was against it just a second ago"

"It wasn't that I was against it. Just that you stole from me. Now you owe me something in return. So, let's go already. But, I need to speak with her soon" He put his arms up then down behind his head as he turned and walked.

As you watched Meliodas walk off, you could feel a pair of eyes glued to your body. Once you looked up at them, Ban landed a kiss on your lips while reaching up and putting his hand over the one you already had laying on his chest.

You blushed and smiled not expecting it but he was unpredictable as you've come to find out recently.

Ban let out a light smirk just seconds before picking you up and carrying you not letting your lips part from his.

He walked and followed in the direction Meliodas was headed, following not too far behind. Meliodas lead the two of you to the Kingdom of Liones where they were apart of a team. Since it was so late at night, you had to sneak in due to you being a tag along. There were a few close calls but you all managed to get in and to your rooms. Meliodas to his room while Ban carried you to his, after a while of Meliodas arguing with him not to do anything with you.

Ban being so needy, the moment the two of you were alone he laid you down and started praising you with kisses and compliments on how sexy and beautiful you were.

His words and actions made you smile and giggle all happy and shy from the sudden attention and affection. You were his everything and he made you aware of that way.

All night he focused on making you happy, comfortable, and feel safe. Once he helped your wings with bandages and medicine, like once before, you began to get tired, so he let you sleep across his lap in bed with his jacket over your body.

-that next morning-

You woke up to warmth of a large fur cover with lots of other sheets and pillows around you along with ban's jacket that had fallen from around you. But none of your cloths.

Once you noticed your clothing was gone you shot up quickly while holding the fur to your chest, looking around. There were thin but thick curtains around the seemingly huge bed. You had to peek past some to see more.

Looking around you remembered you were in Bans room. It was a large room that had a few large windows and curtains that were open letting the light in accenting the high sealing, large couch and seats, along with the rug.

Neither Ban or Meliodas was anywhere in your view and it made you nervous. You were sitting in bed with covers and sheets all around you in place to make sure that you and your wings were as comfortable as could be. You moved to get out of the bed with Bans jacket in your grip even though it was large on you and wasn't able to fit it over your wings. It was a bit upsetting but it gave you comfort to just have it.

You grabbed the sheets and wrapped them around yourself with some trailing behind. Slowly getting up covering your private parts along with most of your body, you got to your feet you saw Ban tied up at the foot of the bed.

Seeing this so sudden you ran over rushing. When you touched him he woke up and opened his eyes looking at you.

"Ban what is this...why are you all tied up." You reached to help him with the rope with one hand while the other held the sheets to your chest.

"Huh..Oh. The caption did this. I had already bathed you and got you all comfortable by the time he came in here." Ban spoke so calmly and just moved his arms ripping out the rope." I don't know. He was acting all protective and said I couldn't sleep in the bed with you. So he tied me up but ."

"Oh...well....did you get to sleep well?"

"Never mind that." He cracked his neck and got up off the floor stretching. "I should be asking you those things." He looked down at you and pulled you to your feet with a smile on his face.

The light shines through the windows so perfectly making your hair and skin practically glow. Your hair being clean made it feel so light for its length and your skin felt much softer ever regardless of your scars and scratches you may have.

Ban pulled you off the floor spinning with you in his arms. You felt so small compared to him when it came to how large and strong his arms were, it felt like a dream.

The both of you laughed and smiled as you spun around the room. When Ban slowed to a stop, he put you down leading into a kiss.

But, as soon as he kissed you, Meliodas burst into the room in a suit of armor.

"Nope sorry. separate until her dress is fixed." He came in rushing and separated the two of you pushing you just an inch but Ban back all the way to the wall.

"Com'on Captain we weren't doing anything." Ban sighed and looked at you then back at Meliodas while scooting in front of your view since there was only sheets.

"Yet.... Anyways, her dress is almost done and should be in while your gone, I need you outside so come on."

You couldn't help but giggle at how over protective Meliodas was being over you. It was almost refreshing.

1295 words

Ban's little AngelWhere stories live. Discover now