Love Him (NSFW)

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A smirk spread across his face while putting his hands on your waist. "well what's this all about."

"I missed you."


"Mmhmm. And I feel bad about what Meliodas did a bit ago."

"I don't know what's up with him. He's acting all protective about you and it's starting to get little weird. And besides," he spoke gently to you. "you're mine y/n, not his." He smirked and began to feel on your body seductively.

"I think he's just being cautious. I am a demon after all." You giggled at his touch and tried to get his mind off of it since no one knows about what Meliodas really is.

"...your right. Maybe it is about that." You nodded and laid another kiss on his lips slowly enjoying your time together. "He's just jealous. That's all."

The short moment seemed to freeze in time and stretch making it feel much longer than it actually was. Ban slowly felt on your body and kissed deeper while adding his tongue, moving it against yours. Realizing how perfect the time was, he picked you up and turned the both of you around so now you were pushed against the tree.

A smile spread across both of your faces while both of you started to press your body's together. You put your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Quickly as soon as your legs went up, he moved your dress and ripped your undergarments out the way so there wasn't anything separating him from you.

He exhaled deeply and pulled away from the kiss to kiss and bite your neck leaving small marks from his sharp teeth causing you to moan lightly under your breath. His hands moved up your thighs more and gripped your ass tightly.

What Meliodas said about not doing this ran through your thoughts, but being in the moment you just wanted to know what it was like and experience this with him.

He slowly caressed your legs and hips before moving his hand and undoing the jacket he put on you. Your breathing started to pick up while his hand slowly felt against your breast pushing his fingers past the fabric and rubbing your nipples. Moans started to spill out your mouth but you tried to keep quiet by covering your mouth and putting your arm across your face.

With one hand, he then felt down your stomach, and between your legs. Chills ran up your body as he began to move them closer and closer until his fingers gently rubbed against your clit.

In a surprise, not knowing what it would feel like coming from him, you gasped and gripped onto his shoulders. He smirked again and slowly showed off what he could do with his fingers against your heat while whispering into your ear what he wanted to do with and to you against this tree. Your body started to get warmer clearly wanting it but you were too embarrassed to speak. Putting your head back and just listened to his deep and seductive voice whisper to you.

"right here. Right now. What do you say." He smirked and slowly started to grind against your body. You held your breath and nodded as his fingers slowly pushed inside.

You gasped and closed your eyes pushing your head back against the tree. "Come on baby. Let me hear you. No one's here. Don't be shy." Ban slowly bit down on your neck while humming and chuckling under his breath.

You hummed and whined under your breath as he pushed two more fingers inside to try and stretch you out before he pulled his pants down. You could feel just how ready he was by the bulge in his pants. He pushed it against your inner thigh letting you feel how hard he was for you.

Your grip on his shoulders tightened as he started to stretch you out even more. With your nails being so sharp, they started to draw blood as you dug them into his shoulders. Ban groaned lightly in pain but enjoyed the small sting.

He moved his hand out of you and undid his pants while moving his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. Before he could even push down his pants, Something forcefully pushed him off of you and through multiple trees causing them to fall.

You fell to the ground and looked up absolutely confused, until you saw Meliodas in-front of you, facing the direction Ban was in.

"Let's go y/n" he grabbed your arm and pulled you as he walked

"Meliodas-." You fumbled to your feet and fixed your dress as he kept walking.

"I don't wanna hear it."

"Just- wait."

"You knew you couldn't do it and yet you were gonna do it anyway. Even after I warned you."

"Look- I know I messed up but.... I love him. Please just listen." He stoped in his tracks and just stood there with your arm in his grip.

"I know if I leave it'll hurt my heart even more after doing this. And you keeping me from it is helping but if I go with having not done it at all, I'll regret never doing it. I love him Meliodas and I know that you know how I feel when I speak about this. Please just..."

" your saying I should step aside and let him do all those things to you."

"No but...yes...I don't just looking for the experience with him. I'm already in love whether or not....Please."

The chills were basically visible on him. The thought of allowing Ban to have you like that just doesn't sit right with him at all. Instead of giving you an answer he loosened the grip on your arm threw up in his mouth a little then kept walking.

"Just come on."

You went with him without another word letting what you said sit on his mind.

-back at the bar-

After about 40 minutes of sitting at a bar with Meliodas and his friends, who you had gotten acquainted with, Ban walked in the door with a plain but irritated look on his face.

"Baaaan!" Everyone cheered for his arrival except for Meliodas.

You turned to look at him ready to apologize, but when he looked over towards you, things felt almost as is his irritation was pushed towards you. So, you gulped and turned around just looking at your hands.

"Finally, where have you been." King walked over towards him irritated that he had taken so long, but he didn't say anything. Noticing your mood change, Ban ignored King by pushing him to the side and walking in your direction. Everyone's eyes where stuck on Ban and eventually on the both of you once he began walking in your direction.

Hearing his shoes step closer and closer, you didn't know what to think or prepare yourself to do or say. Your mind was racing along side your heart while he stepped behind you. Once he stoped walking, he was about a foot behind you, you held your breath all nervous.

"Y/n.... Let's talk for a second."

1204 words

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