Curious (NSFW Pt. 3)

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As the two of you walked to the entrance, Ban walked with his arm around your waist as you leaned into him, trying to keep your balance.

Since everyone was deep into conversation, you both were able to walk in and sit without drawing too much attention.

You held onto him and once Ban helped you into a chair, you relaxing a little. He moved his seat closer to yours so there was barely any room between the two of you with your legs touching.

As Ban ordered and was served a drink, people began to notice that you both were back. While Ban drank his drinks he held conversations with everyone as they laughed and had a good time.

You smiled seeing Ban enjoy himself and leaned against his side. He put his arm around you letting you lay on his ribs/ side of his chest resting with your arm loosely around him. Hearing his voice and breathing combined with how warm he was, it was easy for you to fall asleep.

After about 30 minutes of being back in the bar, Meliodas came over and tapped on your arm.

"Hmm? What is it Captain." Ban turned his head and looked at him, answering for you since you'd been deep asleep for a while now.

"Is she asleep?" Ban nodded in response.

"Yeah what about it."

".....she's never this tired.....what did you two talk about outside."

"What do you mean....never this tired."

"....I ment demons...they don't get tired so randomly.... What did you two talk about."

".....Nothing much. We just talked things through."

"Talked things through?"

"Yeah....that whole situation with you in the woods. We talked about that and what you and her discussed. That's all."

"....that still doesn't explain her energy being gone like this."

" I might have given her a beer or two. Is that a crime?" He looked at Meliodas not letting him hear what he wanted to hear. "I'm sure whatever she'd been through, wherever it was, didn't have beer. She must be a lightweight."

"....." they stared at each other and watched the expressions of each of their faces until Meliodas caved, showing his kid-ish attitude. "Alright then....but she's your responsibility if she wakes up beating things to the ground." He patted Bans arm that was around you and walked back to his seat.

"Yeah. Don't worry captain. And it was just a little beer. None of the strong stuff." Ban gave him a smile and a toast lifting his glass before drinking it all.

Slamming the cup down on the counter, you didn't wake up even from that loud noise. Ban checked on you ever few minutes and even pulled your chair closer and moved you around so you could lay on him a little better with your head on his chest and lap back and forth with your legs comfortably in your chair and his arm around you, holding you close and as comfortable as possible.

After another 20 minutes you rubbed your eyes hearing Ban drinking and other people cheering and clinging their cups together. He kept from doing too many cheers with his cup to try and let you sleep a little longer.

Opening your eyes just a bit, you squinted and looked around while moving your head slowly while keeping your head on his chest.

"Hey. You okay?" You nodded and closed your eyes again. "Here let me carry you back-."

"No no. I wanna stay with you." You put your arm around him holding on.

"Then I'll stay while you sleep."

"I'm fine." You sat up rubbing your eyes and looked around at everyone either drunk or half way passed out.

"You can go back to sleep. I just wanted you to be comfortable."

"I'm comfortable right here." As you looked up at him, you both read each others faces. It was clear that you were still a little tired and also that he'd been slowing down on the drinks so he could take care of you later.

"Drink all you want. I'll be asleep right here." You moved out of your seat and climbed ontop of him, moving the dress too so it would be more comfortable.

You put your arms around him and scooted closer so your chest was pressed aginst his.

"Are you sure this is comfortable." You nodded and put your arms further around him while laying your head on his shoulder.

"Very." You kissed his neck gently before closing your eyes and resting.

A light smile spread across his face feeling the kiss and chest among other things pressed against him.

"Such a tease. But I love it." He whispered in your ear then kissed your cheek before turning his head back and getting another drink.

A light smile spread across your face before you moved your head a little to burry your face in his neck/shoulder before you dozed off again.

After a few more minutes, you woke up to Ban cheering, clearly more drunk than before. Hearing him talk to Meliodas from across the room, you moved your head a little and tried getting a little more comfortable.

"As much as I'd love to pass out tonight. I think I'll go and hit the hay. I gotta train a lot of holy nights first thing in the morning."

"Ohh whaaat? come on captain. What's a few more rounds gonna do."

"it's gonna do more than the last few you said that to."

"Ahh alright. But tomorrow we finish this game."

"Sure. But you have more things to worry about." He pointed at you and Ban looked down at you in his lap.

"Oh don't you worry. I got-." His words cut off a little feeling your hand move from his sides to his belt buckle slowly pulling at it to try to adjust how you sat on him. Ban cleared his throat and continued talking. "I got her all covered." Hearing how nervous he was just from you grabbing it, you thought about how nervous he'd be if you unbuckled it, so you did.

"You better. I don't wanna wake up to a panic because of you."

Ban chuckled watching him get out his chair but held his breath feeling your hand go in his pants and palm him. "Yeah yeah. See ya later Captain." He raised his glass to him as he stumbled a little out the door.

As soon as the door was closed, you started to move your hips against him, grinding lightly. Feeling you move against his dick made him put his head back a little and put his glass down.

You kissed his shoulder gently as you pulled him out his pants, feeling him in your hand just being curious.

As you continued to feel on him, his temperature rose as his hands moved under your dress, griping your ass tightly.

You moved your hands slowly feeling his base, balls, and up his dick all the way to the tip. Hearing his breathing hitch a little once your thumb ran across a small hole and line, you did that over and over but lightly to be gentle with him. As you continued, he put his head back even further and closed his eyes tight as he started to grow in your hand.

1232 words
Published 5/28/23

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