Just for me (NSFW)

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The training dragged on longer then either of you thought it would. Getting hit multiple times because your mind was elsewhere, Meliodas made sure that you snapped back into focus. But it aggravated him knowing you weren't focused the way you should be.

"What is on your mind."

"Nothing." You got up wiping the blood from your nose.

"You're lying. Whatever it is you need to get that off your chest. It's like you're not even trying to fight."

"I am trying." You put your arms up to block his hit as he rushed in but you anticipate wrong. He appeared next to you. Acting quick you moved out the way but he still pushed the attack throwing you off your feet, hitting the ground hard.

Pushing yourself up, your arms grew weak.

"You need to work on yourself more instead of sleeping with Ban. That's all the two of you do." You shook your head and got to your feet. "Then what have you been doing? He babies you. I've seen it y/n I'm not blind. As soon as a sore opens, he's there to patch it up when you should know how to heal yourself, by yourself."

You raised your arm and spoke, shooting magic at him while opening your wings. You took to the air quickly but it wasn't long before he was right there with you. Putting your arms up you deflected his hit with magic before attacking quickly but that was just a clone as the real one attacked you from behind grabbing your wing, pulling it, making you hiss in pain and fall to the ground. You landed on your feet but it hurt your legs.

Meliodas got off of you and stood watching.
"..let's call it a day."

"No, I just need to breathe for a second."

"What you need to do is heal... I say let your wings stay out for a few days as you try to focus on healing. Allow your back to get used to feeling them get stronger. After they are healed, work on your strength.. Once you've done that, I'll continue helping you."

You nodded and let your body rest sitting on the ground. Listening to Meliodas walk further away, you also heard a familiar pair of boots walk in your direction from the other side of the 'training area'.
You raised your head and looked. It was Ban.

"You okay?"

"..." tears slowly started to form but you choked it back and nodded. He sat next to you and grabbed your hands kissing them. "How long were you there?"

"Most the time... so you asked the Captain to help train you." You nodded and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I know what was on your mind.. you don't have to worry about it right now. All you have to worry about is getting stronger." He kissed your head and put his hand around your waist.

"He was right... you do baby me."

"Only in the best ways my princess needs." He smiled and kissed your head again.

".... Carry me back?" He laughed under his breath and got up standing to his feet. Looking up at him, he put his arms out for you, and once you got to your feet, swooped you up in his arms bridal style. You giggled and held onto him with a big smile on your face.

"Last time I baby you. How about it." You nodded and smiled while closing your eyes.

"Okay." He smiled and walked, keeping you close to him. The whole way back, the two of you didn't say a word and just enjoyed being close to one another.

He spoiled you again by helping you bathe and wrap up your back, but when it came to you having to sleep with your wings out, you could barely even get comfortable.

Ban slept like a rock snoring like a baby while you wanted to sleep on your back, but couldn't. You huffed and sat up in bed rubbing your face.

"Okay." You whispered to yourself and got out of bed, closing the curtains behind you so Ban could sleep the last few hours.

Ban's little AngelWhere stories live. Discover now