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You tried getting up the second time but your arm was hurt. Looking at it, it was bruised and felt like it was close to braking showing just how much of a blow you just took.

To make sure not to miss it again, you quickly looked up to watch Melio closely. He jumped up in the air leaving an indentation in the ground. When he came down, he went for another kick.

Knowing how strong the last kick was, you knew your arm wouldn't be able to handle another one. The only thing you could do was get out the way. You quickly got out the way jumping to the side just seconds before he hit the ground.

Just as you thought, he made a huge indent right where you were standing. Not waisting time, he lunged at you with a bunch of punches amed straight for you. His pace slowly picked up, but you were able to see each one. In a bit of time, he started to show a pattern. Taking advantage of this, you caught his arm and threw him out the way. He went flying in the air, but he knew how to get his footing.

As he landed on his feet, he grinned to himself.
"Only a couple minutes in and you've already gotten faster." He stood then lunged at you again. "I'm a bit impressed."

As he lunged you stood your ground again while mumbling some spells. As he made contact with another layer of punches. You were able to deflect them pretty well until your hair clip fell out of your hair making it fall down from how much movement you've been doing.

The moment of distraction was just enough for him to slip in a punch to your side. The punch being so powerful caused you to spit up blood and fly far all the way to one of the hills.

You ended up landing on your wings from the impact. Your yell of pain made the ground shake and crack around as the air began to thin. Even the weather was beginning to be affected by the surge of magic being released from your body.

"Your alright. Just breath." Meliodas came to your aid and helped you up. Your wings were bleeding again, but nothing was broken.

He helped you out the crater and to a place to sit. "Just breath Y/n. It'll pass."

"No....No it won't. It hurts too much."

"You can heal it just focus and breath."

You sat with Meliodas and did breathing exercises for a few minutes learning how to heal yourself, but you were only able to heal recent wounds. The ones from before were still open and needed more time to heal.

"I think that's enough for today." You rubbed your shoulders and looked at him.

"What? How come. We just started." The look of your face said it all. "It was just a joke. But, your power level went up as soon as your wings came out. Both your magic and power went skyrocket as soon as you landed on them."

"By how much."

"I'm not exact at this, but I'd say your power went up by 20,000. And your magic, by 40,000. The amount of strength you have, there's no doubt he did these things to you, because he was scared of you."

"Wha-....scared...but I can barely throw a fire ball from my hand."

"That's only because that's what you think you can do. I wonder how much control could you gather in time."

"You're joking with me...right?" You giggled to yourself feeling like he was just throwing jokes around.

"Mmm no. Actually I'm pretty serious about this. Big sis, your power is basically equal to mine, maybe stronger."

"That's not possible."

"Mmm take it or leave it, but that's the truth. Just look at the sky. There wasn't a cloud for miles until you landed on your back." He stood up and helped you to your feet.

You ignored it and tried to change the subject as you both walked. You tried your best to put your hair back up with the clip. "How long where we out here."

"Mmm...I'm sure it's only been an hour. We'll be just in time don't worry."

" Captain, You're late!"

"Wow really?"

"Yes. By a whole hour!"

He looked at the sky to try and tell the time. "Huh. I guess you're right. Whoops. I guess we did loose track of time." The both of you arrived at a bar that's been emptied out. Outside, there was a Giant with her hair up that seemed to pout when she spoke to Meliodas.

"Wait...Captain...who's this girl you're with."

"Huh?...oh this is- ."

"You're cheating one me are you serious! Who's this girl! So help me Captain please tell me this isn't true." She hit the ground and whined all jealous just because he showed up with you.

You slowly just backed away from this while the ground shook. While you backed up, you ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh- I'm sorry-" you turned around to see who it was. "Ban." You smiled when you saw that it was him you bumped into.

His face was plain. "Hey y/n." Until he saw your dress which was all ripped and basically ruined from sparring with Meliodas. His eyes shot open seeing this and he quickly took of his jacket and covered you with it. "Y/n wha-! What happened to your dress."

It was ripped on the sided and in the front basically letting your boobs pour out of it.

"Well. You see, I was just trying out some spells and things then... well."

As you talked, Ban kneeled down and was laser focused on putting the jacket on you correctly, putting it together in the front. Seeing your chest like that did interest him quite a bit, but with Meliodas not far from the two of you, he decided to be patient and leave you be.

" it comfortable?" You nodded and smiled moving your arms around in the oversized sleeves.

"Very." You smiled and kissed his cheek. As he nodded and stood up straight, he kept his eyes on you. You turned and looked at Meliodas who was still trying to calm down the Giant. "I have an idea." You looked at Ban and smiled while grabbing his hand. "Come on."

You ran with Bans hand as he followed behind, into a forest not far from the bar.

"What are we doing."


"......where are we going."

"Shhh." You giggled and kept running with him deep into the forest. "Okay." You slowed down and stoped. After looking around, you smiled and turned to Ban.

"What is it."

You shook your head answering him and pushed him against a tree. While standing on your tippy toes laying a kiss on his lips.

1080 words
Posted 7/3/22

This took a while to edit since I've been going back and forth between books recently.
Hope I didn't disappoint many people.

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