I Love Him

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"Yeah. It's about what you mentioned back during our fight."

"...." Ban stepped forward and followed Meliodas out of the tavern. Elizabeth watched them leave while you looked at the wall controlling your breathing.

"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" You looked up at her and shook your head.

"No.. do you?" She shook her head before joining you on the floor.

"So.. you're Meliodas's little sister?"

"His big sister. I was the first. He was second and Zeldrus was last."

"So he's the middle kid.. huh.." She smiled to herself.


"Nothing just.. he doesn't strike me as the middle child is all."

"...That's because in father's eyes he wasn't." You looked at your hands as they shook slightly showing off just how weak you still were. "In his eyes he was the first born who would take his throne."

She looked at you and listened. Seeing your hands shake and hold your attention, she grabbed them and pulled them from your lap.
"It doesn't matter what that monster said or did. Meliodus told me how great of a sister you were and how you were always there for him. To me you are strong."

You looked at her confused, but as you listened, that confused expression slowly softened.
"You survived so long through who knows what and made it back to where you belong. That's what matters. Me and your brother are now married. But even before then, I was proud to call you my sister just as much as I am now."

"...my.. Sister?" She nodded as you looked down at her hands that were holding yours which were still weak.

"But you-.. Elizabeth you are a direct descendant from the goddess herself. That much I can feel just by holding your hands. While all I am is a direct despondent from the most powerful demon to ever exist."

"But you're not just from him. Your wings are like mine. Though all you see is darkness, all I see is light. I'd say what alone makes you stronger than any thing or person alive. And I'm sure your children will be as well."

Your eyes shot open at her words. "My children-"

"Hey guys. What are you two up to?" Meliodas stepped behind the bar with Ban standing close behind him. They both looked at the two of you confused just seeing you both sitting on the ground.

"...Nothing." You let go of Elizabeth's hands as Ban came closer, helping you off the floor while Elizabeth took your brother's hand for help.

"Well. If it's nothing I'd like to talk to you alone for a while."

"Me?" You looked at him a little confused but he nodded agreeing with you. Ban helped you steady on your feet and sent you on your way while your brother led you outside.
"What's all this about?" You held onto his shoulder as he stopped on the patio, sitting on the steps. You sat beside him and looked out at the view.

"I'm giving the tavern to you two." You looked at him beyond confusion and shocked.

"What?.. why?"

"Because I'll be with Elizabeth at the castle and you and Ban need your own space. Preferably one that's not next to my room again." A small smile crept up on your lips.

"He's fought tooth and nail to get you back y/n. Those ten years that passed here, I'm sure-.. I know it was living hell for you, but so was it for both him and I. Neither of us had the right time to risk a rescue until we did."

"... I understand." You looked at the grass as it moved slowly in the gentle breeze.

"You love him right?" For some reason your body locked up at the thought. Did you actually know what love was? Had you felt that with Ban?

"I'm not sure what-.." You looked at him as he did the same holding a serious but curious look on his face.

"You know... But I won't rush your answer."

Looking back at the area around you, you held your breath as the question raddled around until finally you answered after recalling the countless times you wanted him by your side more than anyone while in purgatory. He made you happy. He made you smile and gave you your first real place to call home. He gave you everything you've ever wanted ontop of reuniting you with your sibling.

"I do." There was a slight pause before you looked at your brother meeting his eyes. "I do love him."

A slight smile formed from the side of his lips before he nodded and stood.
"Good." Meliodas helped you to your feet just when Elizabeth poked her head out the door. "Perfect timing." She stepped out and walked to his side.

"Wait.. you two are leaving now?"

"The king wants to speak to me as soon as possible." Ban stepped out of the tavern standing at the top step. "It's getting late. You should get some rest." Ban slowly stepped down the steps while Meliodas spoke again. "I won't be gone for too long."

"You two just don't be strangers okay?" Elizabeth spoke with a smile.

You nodded as Ban put his arm around your waist letting you brace yourself on him.

Meliodas nodded with a light smile as he turned, walking away with Elizabeth on his arm.

Elizabeth's POV

Meliodas and I walked leaving Y/n and Ban at the tavern. He clung to my waist with his eyes staring straight forward as if he was holding his breath for something.



"You okay?"

".... Yeah.. I just-... don't want her to get hurt anymore." I turned my head looking over my shoulders to see Ban stepping in front of Y/n, and kneeling down on one knee while holding something small in his hand. It wasn't even 5 seconds before y/n jumped on him so hard, knocking both of them to the ground. At the same time her hair pin fell out of her hair. She happily screamed 'yes yes yes!!' As loud as she could, opening her wings as she kissed Ban who had the biggest smile on his face.

I gasped when I realized.
"They're getting married!?" I looked at Meliodas but his expression didn't change one bit. He just nodded and kept walking with his arm around my waist. "This is a good thing. She's happy. He's happy."

"I know. And I'm happy about that."

"You don't seem too happy."

"What do you mean?" He looked at me with his normal expression trying to make me feel better about it. But I know he wants the best for her. And maybe he doesn't think they should have gone through with it.

"You need to loosen up. You're not the one who needs to protect her anymore." I kissed his head and put my arm around him. After a second, he finally agreed as we held each other even closer, enjoying the sunset during our walk home.

1182 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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