Shhh (NSFW PT. 6)

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You moaned and moved your hips as your legs twitched from them still being a little weak from the hours before. Ban drank the remaining portion of the liquor with you, sharing as he slowly began to take it easy with you. Putting the bottle to the side, he watched as your body moved he thrusted in and out with both hands on your hips. He bit his lip and then leaned down to moveing his tongue against your chest cleaning off the wasted liqor from your boobs.

You moaned feeling his breath aginst your nipples as his tounge slowly trailed across them. Seeing your reaction, he deided to stay there and please you with his tounge and hands, feeling your body slowly. You grabbed his hair and pushed your head back while Ban mumbled teases to you talking about how fragial you were with him. You blushed and reached up to cover your face but Ban grabed your arm. He moved his hand down your arm and intertwined your fingers while slowly sitting up over you. Ban made eye contact with you just before grabing your other hand from his back and pinning you down. He picked up the pace and pushed making your legs shake again as he made himself fit again.

"Let's keep going till you form my shape inside you baby. That sound nice to you?" You moaned louder and louder while bitting your lip in an attempt to be quiet. You tried to pull your arms closed wanting to cover your face because you were out for him to see. Everything that your body did in responce to him just got better and better. He watched as your eyes closed and your face flinched but relaxed as he hit your spots. He bit his lip watching your mouth open, close, drool, quiver, and show your teeth letting him see how sharp some of the top and bottoms really were.

As you watched his eyes travel from your eyes, to your mouth, and then to your breast, you grew wetter by the second as he was mesmerized by the way your face and breast moved in rythem. A blush rushed over your face but it wasn't too long after that, that you grew closer and closer. Ban watched your face and felt you wet increase, he bit his lip feeling you clench around him helping him realize how close you were.

"come for me y/n" He leaned down and moved your arms above your head in order to hold them there with one hand while the other reached down and started rubing your clit. He rested his forehead down aginst yours and moved in unison when he kissed you, followed by him bitting your lip and slowly but gently pulling it.

You whined and balled up your fist as he pulled your lip and came from how much attention he was giving you. Your cum covered him, making him take a deep breath and let go of your lip. Feeling you around him like that made him cum right after you. "fuck-" he slowed down to a stop and took deep breaths with you just before slowly thrusting wanting more.

"i wasn't even that fucking close until you.... mmm damn" he sat up a little and looked down at you making eye contact both confused but not enough to care about why when it felt better than anything. Looking at him, you smiled and giggled a little right before he kissed you and began to thrust again.

Giggles quickly changed to moans as he pushed against your g-spots and reached down with both hands pulling your legs up holding them while he sat up all the way watching you.

You moaned and bit your lip watching his movements as he did the same to you. "mmm" he stoped thrusting and pulled out while pulling you to the very edge of the bed. Ban turned you around to on your stomach with your legs dangling as he took his jacket off of you and ripped the rest of your dress off.

Not expecting it, you jumped a little but bit your lip enjoying the way he took it off of you. He threw it to the side making sure it was all off of you and grabed your hips moving you were the both of you would be comfterble in this position. As your toes barely touched the floor he put a pillow between your hips and the bed making the gap wider as he lined over you and thrusted all the way in,making the both of you sigh and fully prepared for more.

Ban caressed your hips while slowly pushing his hips forward and pulling your hips to his. You griped the covers and moaned loudly as he picked up speed.

"Shhh" he grabbed your hair and shoulder, pulling you so you lift off the bed, towards him. "We don't need the Captian to burst in here now do we" Ban moved his hand from your shoulder to your boob, holding you there with your upper body lifted.

You bit your lip and shook your head as he kissed the back of your neck "I-I can't-"

Ban moved his hand from your hair and covered your mouth as he began pounding into you. He groaned in four ear and breathed heavily right along with you.

If it wasn't going to be your voice to wake Meliodious it would be him or the noises coming from between your bodies combined with the mattress shifting because of the position he put you in.

Reaching your hand back for his hips, you tried but could barely keep a grip on his hips as they started hitting your hand. Ban quickly moved his hand from your mouth allowing your moans be heard even louder as he hurried and hit your hand out of the way.

Putting his hand back over your mouth muffling your voice again, you grabbed that same hands wrist and opened your mouth as he covered it. Feeling your mouth open, he moved his middle and ring finger inside as you closed it.

Feeling what he did, you moaned and sucked on his fingers able to taste the alcohol he spilt on himself over the night.

Ban bit his lip feeling you do what he wanted and lifted his head from your neck while cursing and looking down at your curves, ass, and hair in his grip watching them move each time he would pound into you. Just the sight alone had him cave for you.

As your breathing picked up along with the tightness around him, he new you were enjoying every single thing about this. He kept going as you grew closed for what seems to be the 100th time tonight.

1149 words
Published 8/25/23

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