This cant be real

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Meliodas dragged Ban out the room before you could say anything to stop him, even good bye and closed the door behind him.

A smile spread across your face. There was just something about this world and it's environment that felt so.

Pure and refreshing.

The bed was just so comfortable and cool, you probably slept for hours. The way the sun looks it was probably the middle of the day.

"I'm just surprised I didn't sleep the entire day. I was so comfortable and..." you raised the sheets up to your face while walking to the window. Bans smell was practically imbedded into the sheets. It was comforting and so was the sun. So gently yet warm.

"This could my brother find such a trusting patch of humans...that he's able to live along side of them."

~By the looks of that suit of armor he was wearing. He might be a knight....I'm so happy that Melio was able to find somewhere happy to call home.~

As you smiled looking out at so many humans living their lives, a person walked through the door without warning.

Noticing this right away you turned while conjuring up a ball of fire in your hand. You looked at the woman while holding onto the sheets and blade ready to fight if you needed to.

"Relax. I'm only here to give you this." The woman walked over to a seat and put down a dress similar to your old one, but fixed and almost brand new and with enough space for your wings if needed.

"Who are you." You hesitated to put your guard down.

"Me? Well im the Bore sin Merlin. But we've met before."

"I've met many people but I've never seen you before"

"You have. It'll click for you later on. But besides that. These were asked of your brother, Meliodas. He wanted you to have proper cloths than what you already had."

"How do you know of this."

"My real name is *inaudible*" Your guard went up even more hearing the name but then slowly went down.

"I haven't seen you in so way this is you're true form though"

~how did I not see it before~

"You're right, but just call me Merlin. It's easier for humans that way." The both of you chuckled and smiled.

Back so long ago, the two of you stayed around each other a lot and even exchanged information just for the heck of it and laughed like actual friends. But like everything else. Your father kept you apart just to make things more difficult.

You walked closer to her and looked at the dress and armor while letting your guard down giving her a small hug.

"The suit is for when or if you'll be out along with us at Ban's side. Though that's debatable whether or not him or Meliodas will allow it."

"That's whatever though. If there's a chance where I'll need it then I'll take the chance." You smiled at her and she did the same to you before explaining the dress.

"The dress is similar to the one you already had on other than the more present time feel to it. And the back is out technically for your wings, but you won't be needing it most of the time." You looked at a bit confused till she handed you a hair pin and ring. "These things will conceal your wings. You can wear both or either one."

".....are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?" You smiled wide and took the ring and hair pin from her all excited. "They work by drawing your power and magic from you. So your abilities will be weaker than normal. By how much, I don't know." You hugged her once again and started to tear up.

"Thank you."

"Of course. But I'm not the one you should be thanking. It was Ban's idea. He wanted you to be able to blend in while also being comfortable."

"I'll be sure to thank him. But you're the one who used your magic and energy to do this for me. And for that I thank you."

After talking with Merlin a few more minutes, she had to go. You said good bye and looked at the dress then the armor. When you lifted the armor up it wasn't as heavy as you thought it would be.

After looking outside one more time you wondered what it would be like to go out there and be with those humans. You'd never had a peaceful conversation with a normal being and it made you curious.

So you grabbed your dress and went to the mirror making your hair look okay before you put the hair pin in.

Taking a deep breath you turned to the side slowly and took a good look at your wings. The sun felt so good on them almost as if it were healing the scrapes and bruises. But, they were still hurting and would be in the way of even putting the dress on.

You grabbed the hair pin and slowly put it in your hair not to mess it up.

You closed your eyes almost scared to see what would happened but some how your back felt light. A light smile started spread across your face but you were still nervous as you slowly opened your eyes.

When looking in the mirror, they were gone. Your wings were gone and the pain was only from the small bruises on the skin. But from what Ban did to help you last night, they were barely even visible.

Tears of joy started to stream down your face seeing this. It was what you expected but it was with a shock to actually feel and see them gone. They weren't invisible, they were actually gone.

In a rush you quickly got dressed in the dress and shoes before looking outside one more time.

Without waisting more time, you ran out in a rush just wanting to feel a little more free.

And you were. The air was clear as the sun shined through the clouds. It's felt like a lifetime ago since you saw such beautiful blue and white colors scattered around in such designs. Which technically it has. But the best part of all of this was the way you were in a crowd of humans, and no one was staring or in shock screaming at the top of their lungs.

~am I in heaven?~

1091 words

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