Lois vs Evil

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Aria walked through the courtyard with Malcolm listening to him rant about how much he found school exhausting and she agreed with him. 

“Hi, guys.” Julie Houlerman greeted as she walked past.

“What does she mean by that?” Malcolm turned to his best friend, “Is she trying to say she likes me? Is she just being nice?”

As Malcolm rambled to himself Julie had already left and Aria was left to deal with Malcolm’s worrying. Boys were weird and Aria didn’t understand the big deal about saying hi.

“Hey, Jul –” Malcolm cut himself off when he noticed her gone.

“Why are you stressing over saying hi? It’s not that hard.” said Aria, Malcolm gave her a look.

“You wouldn’t get it. You don’t have a crush on anyone.”

“Even if I did, I'm sure I wouldn’t freak out about saying hi.”

Malcolm shook his head and they dropped the topic, when the bell rang to send them to class Aria bumped into Reese on her way in.

“Watch it.” Reese snapped.

“Me? You were the one who wasn’t watching where you were going.”

“No, it was you.”







“Aha, you admit that it wasn’t me.” Aria grinned at her victory and raced into the building before Reese could realize what she had done. He was easy to mess with sometimes.


After school Aria walked home with a smile on her face knowing that her dad had the day off. Her dad had told her last night that they were going out for dinner, Aria was excited to spend time with her dad. He had been working more so they didn’t get to see each other as often as before.

She opened the front door to see her dad standing in the kitchen washing dishes from the other day. He looked up and smiled at the sight of his daughter.

“Hey, Kiddo, how was school?”

“It was school. I hated it and I’ll start all over again tomorrow, how was work?” Aria shrugged off her bag tossed it into a chair, she leaned against the island and watched as her dad finished washing the last plate.

“Okay, before we go get food we’ve gotta stop by Lucky Aide to pick up some stuff.” Noah told Aria as he dried his hands. Aria nodded with a wide smile, going to Lucky Aide meant that they would see Lois. Growing up without her mother, Lois stepped into the mother figure role. 

Aria told Lois things that she couldn’t talk to her dad about like for example boys, her dad got overprotective quickly at the mention of boys that weren’t the Wilkerson boys and Lois gossiped with her about boys that she had dated when she was younger. Aria loved spending time with Lois, they had a girls day at least once a month for them to just relax without boys interrupting. 

Aria and her dad stepped out of the car when they finally arrived at Lucky Aide, she had spent the entire car ride singing along to the radio and danced wildly in her seat. Her dad was trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard at her moves, she wasn’t a very good dancer. They walked in to find Lois talking to the boys, they hadn’t seen them walk in yet so the two planned to quickly grab whatever it is that they needed before they would greet them. It would make their shopping trip easier.

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