Baby Part 1

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Weeks had passed since the kiss between Aria and Reese, but he seemed to be avoiding her. Aria had shared with the band what had happened that day when he walked her home and as excited as they were for her, they all agreed that it was weird of him to suddenly avoid her.

Did he regret kissing her? Aria was a big girl and would be okay if he did. Hurt, yes, but she’d prefer that than not knowing.

Aria walked home from school with Malcolm and Lloyd silently listening to Lloyd ramble on about something his doctor had told him. As they walked into the Wilkerson home and Malcolm began to rifle through the mail, Aria caught the last bit of whatever Lloyd was talking about.

“So my doctor said I only had to wear these special shoes for two more years. Then I’m down to nights and weekends.”

“Good for you, Lloyd.” Aria politely smiled before setting her bag down and grabbing a soda from the fridge.

“Great Scott!” Lloyd exclaimed, “You got a letter from Martindale Academy!”

“What’s Martindale Academy?” Malcolm asked as he took the envelope from his friend. Aria walked over and glanced over his shoulder to see it for herself, sure enough there was a letter from an unknown school addressed to Malcolm.

“It’s the greatest, most advanced private school in existence. Do you know how many millions they’ve spent to make sure you’ve never heard of it?”

“It says I’ve been accepted. I didn’t even apply.” Malcolm says as he reads over the letter.

“No one applies. They find you.”

“What is this place, Hogwarts?” Aria mutters.

“This is unbelievable. Malcolm, you’re going to the show. You’re set for life! Wait, what am I thinking? You can’t go. You’re too poor.” Lloyd continued, “You’re the poorest guy I know. Oh, I am such a jerk! Here I am, describing this nirvana you’ll never be able to experience. Holding out this hope of power and success to a guy in a three dollar shirt. I mean, look at this hovel!”

“Lloyd, you have to stop talking,” said Malcolm.

“It’s okay to cry, Malcolm. Tears are free.”

“Dude, take his advice and stop talking.” Aria understood that the Wilkersons were poor, it wasn’t a secret. But, they didn’t need him pointing it out and feeling sorry for them.

From the corner of her eye, Aria saw Reese walk in from outside and into the kitchen, ignoring the three of them as he walked back out. Aria frowned before brushing it off and turned her attention back to her friends, two could play that game. 

A while later, Aria sat with the boys and Piama at the kitchen table as Lois and Hal walked in.

“Okay, everybody.” Lois began, “Just back from the doctor and everything’s fine, but the baby’s a little bigger than expected.”

“So, instead of having the baby in two weeks like we thought, we’re going to induce labor on Thursday.”

“Thursday? This Thursday?!” Dewey shrieked. 

“You can’t do that!” Reese exclaimed. Aria watched in confusion, wondering if Hal and Lois remembered what this Thursday was.

“Oh, what difference does it make? It’s just six days sooner that our lives are over.”


“And our new, more fulfilling lives begin.”

“This stinks.” Dewey frowned as he casted his eyes downward to the table.

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