Garage Sale

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Aria stood in line with the boys as they waited for Hal to come back with Lois. 

“You think she’ll notice the grass fire?” Reese asks.

“Just remember, as far as we know, Dewey has always been missing the tip of his finger.” Malcolm reminded them before Hal came in with a heavily pregnant Lois.

“We’re home.”

“Oh, I’ve missed you so —!”

“Dad knocked down your bedroom wall.” Reese panicked.

“What?” Lois hiked up the bag on her shoulder and quickly waddled to her room. Hal followed her but sent Reese a harsh glare as he passed the four.

Aria snorted, “Way to stay strong.”

“Shut up.” Reese mumbled as he bumped his shoulder into her playfully.

“Hey, what are we doing for the day trip?” Malcolm asks as he opens the fridge, grabbing a drink.

Aria and Malcolm’s day trip was a tradition that the two looked forward to every year. Over the years Malcolm had only missed one, Reese taking his spot, and he had made up for it every year. No matter where they went for their trip, they went to one place Aria wanted without any complaints from Malcolm.

“There’s a farmer’s market we could check out and I think there’s going to be food stands.” Aria suggests,

“As long as we can check out the museum too.” 

“That sounds boring.” scoffed Reese.

Malcolm sent a glare to the other boy before rolling his eyes, Aria ignored Reese’s input, “So, we’ll go to the museum after the market and get ice cream before my dad picks us up.”

“Awesome. We’re going tomorrow, right?”

“No, the day after. Robbie and I are going to see a movie and then grab something to eat.” 

Reese tried to not pull a face at her words but a subtle disdain was visible on his face. “You’re still with him?”

“Yeah, why?” Aria didn’t glance in his direction as she took a seat at the table.

Reese stumbled over his words for a moment, “I just mean, I’m surprised because you two don’t really have much in common.”

Dewey and Malcolm shared a confused look before they turned to the other two.

“We both play instruments, have similar taste in music and have a good time together.” Aria listed, “How are you and Alison?”

Reese paused, not expecting the sudden topic of his relationship, “We’re doing great.”


A familiar feeling coursed through her and her mind seemed to freeze. Why was she feeling this way? She was just going on about how much they had in common, she shouldn’t feel this way.

She had spent most of the summer sorting her feelings and was with a great guy, she had no reason to feel this way. She brushed it off and smiled before turning back to Malcolm to solidify their plans for the day trip. 


Aria’s date and the day trip passed. Both had gone smoothly as they could, Malcolm with minimal complaining about his family and Robbie surprised her with Nickelback’s new album.

She had been roped into helping the Wilkersons set up for the garage sale and people began to gather around looking through everything set out. Malcolm had complained about Lois putting Reese in charge and Aria couldn’t blame him, after the first ten minutes with the older boy Aria was ready to throttle him.

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