Forbidden Girlfriend

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For the first time in a long time, Reese and Aria were walking home from school together.

Both of their partners lived a distance from them and Malcolm was busy tutoring. It had been a while since it was just the two of them and they took the opportunity to catch up. As they walked along the sidewalk a red convertible sped past them and splashed them with water from the large puddle in the road.

“Hey, watch where you’re driving, you butt-wipe!” Reese shouted after the reckless jock.

He quickly skidded to a stop and backed up. “What’d you say?”

“Nothing.” Reese’s voice an octave higher as he answers. Aria scowls and opens her mouth to say something but her mouth is covered by the older boy’s hand causing her to turn her glare to him.

“Better watch yourself, jerk-wad. I’ll kick your butt.” The jock then sped off and Reese let the blonde go.

“Yeah, well, I wish I had a car like that!” Reese exclaimed once the car was farther away.

“You showed him.” Aria mocked before Reese rolled his eyes and they caught sight of Dewey across the street talking to an old woman.

The two shared confused looks as they made their way across the road and watched as the woman gave the young boy some money. They caught some of what she was saying as they got closer.

“Thank you so much for the work you did last week. Now, I insist that you take this.” said the woman handing Dewey a five dollar bill.

“Thank you.” Dewey smiled. The woman walked back into her home and the teens turned to Dewey.

“What work did you do last week?” Reese asked but a man walked over and interrupted.

“Young man, nice job with those weeds yesterday.” The man complimented, “Is five dollars okay?”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“No way, you didn’t pull any weeds yesterday.” announced Reese after the man walked away.

“Yeah, you were hanging out with me and the girls.” It was true. Dewey had shown interest in learning an instrument, not having a specific one in mind, so Aria and the girls offered to let him hang out during rehearsals to see if there was one he liked.

“I know.”

“What’s going on?” Reese narrowed his eyes.

“It’s money day.” Dewey shrugged, not offering anything else.

“Money day?”

“That’s not a thing.” frowned Aria.

“Yeah, it is. I don’t know why but it’s been happening a lot lately.”

“Dewey, people don’t have money days.” Reese agreed with Aria.

“I do. It’s really neat. There’s also cookie days and pat on the head days. I don’t like those so much, but before you know it, it’s money day again.” 

Dewey walked away leaving the two confused. Aria shook her head and turned to the older teen, “Wanna come over and watch Dude, Where’s My Car?. My dad bought more popcorn.”

“Sure.” Reese shrugged before the two continued on their way to her house for a movie marathon.


Aria sat with Stevie, Malcolm, and Malcolm’s new girlfriend, Niki. The two had met recently when Malcolm was hired to tutor her and they hit it off fairly quickly. They spent most of their lunch giggling with each other while Stevie and Aria shared small smiles, Malcolm seemed to be really happy.

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