New Neighbors

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The Wilkersons had new neighbors and they were quick to introduce themselves before the rest of the neighborhood could turn them against the Wilkersons. Malcolm had called Aria and invited her over to meet them, he said to wear a bathing suit.

When she got there she could quickly tell that something was weird about the family. The daughter was quiet but an evil look in her eye and the son sent her a flirty look that grossed her out, he wasn’t her type. Aria didn’t exactly trust the parents, they gave her weird vibes, the mom just seemed the type to think she was above everyone else and the dad was just weird, no special reason.

“This is nice, Tina. You didn’t have to barbecue.” Lois said to the mom, Tina.

“Well, you’re the first neighbors to come and say hello.”

“Well, that’s not surprising. I don’t want to speak ill of anybody and I won’t say who, but some of our neighbors are prone to paranoid fantasies. Oh, yeah, don’t get me started on the stories.” Hal told them.

“Hal.” Lois gave him a look.


Aria tuned them all out as she laid on a floaty in the pool just soaking up the sun. She would’ve fallen asleep if Hal hadn’t said something about the food being done. Luckily, she was in the shallow end so she didn’t have to completely submerge herself in the water.

Aria walked over and watched as Hal flipped a burger once and he seemed overjoyed for some reason. “I did it. I did it!”

“See? I told you you could.” The other man encouraged him.

“Can I have another burger? Malcolm spit on mine.” The new boy said to Hal.

“What?” Malcolm and Aria gave each other confused looks, he was obviously lying.

“Malcolm, why would you do such a thing?” Hal questioned.

“But I didn’t –”

“Yeah, yeah, here.” After Hal gave the boy a new burger he slid one onto Malcolm and Aria’s plates. “There now beat it.”

After they finished their food, Aria and Malcolm went to question the other boy.

“Why did you say I spit on your burger?” Malcolm asked.

“Don’t worry about it. Want to see something funny?” The three walked past the moms. “Hey, quit staring at my mom’s chest.”

“What? I’m not.” The other boy walked away, leaving Malcolm to fend for himself and Aria irritated.

“Malcolm, knock it off!” Lois snapped at her son.

“But I-I wasn’t –” Malcolm was cut off by Reese screaming.

“Aah, get away from me! Aah! Get away from me!”

“Your daughter is biting my son.” Lois pointed out, waiting for Tina to discipline her child.

“Oh, no, they’re just playing.” The woman waved off her concern.

“Ow! It hurts! It hurts! Mommy!” Reese cried.

Lois took matters into her own hands and walked over, she held the girl’s nose so that she couldn’t breathe through it. “Now, Honey, if you want to breathe, you’re going to have to open your mouth and let go of my son.”

“What are you doing?” Tina asked, not very impressed.

“Just a little trick I picked up.”

“How dare you touch my daughter.” 

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