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It’d been a month since Aria’s mom, Wendy, came back and Aria still kept her distance. The two have gone to lunch and have talked on the phone every now and then, Aria got to learn more about the woman who gave birth to her.

Wendy was apparently a booking agent and when Aria explained that she didn’t understand what that was, Wendy explained that she booked performers for events. That led to them talking about Aria’s band, Wendy showed an interest in her music and told Aria more about what she had been up to for most of her life.

Apparently, she had gotten married a few years after she left and they have a son together, Aria’s half brother. Wendy offered to introduce her to them when she was ready and that there was no pressure to meet them.  Aria just wanted to get to know Wendy for now and maybe some time in the future she’d meet them.

Aria had been spending time with Sam too, they had been fine but Aria had to admit her feelings were beginning to simmer down. She just assumed that meant she was getting comfortable in their relationship.

Malcolm has been doing much better since Sara broke up with him but his topic to complain about lately is his mom forcing him and his brothers to help poor people. He unfortunately, in his opinion, didn’t get the support he was looking for when Aria agreed with his mom and thought it was a nice thing to do.

“I can’t believe you’re taking her side.” Malcolm grumbled as he and Aria sat in her room munching on popcorn.

“It’s not the end of the world.” Aria grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Besides, imagine the happy faces of the people in need when you help them.”

Malcolm gave her a look and Aria rolled her eyes. She knew that wouldn’t persuade him but it couldn’t hurt to try, Malcolm was going to complain about anything and almost everything. 

“She just thinks she can boss me around!” Malcolm exclaimed, he continued to rant as Aria just ate her popcorn and listened to his rambles. Malcolm knew she wasn’t listening as intensely as he would’ve liked but appreciated her comments every now and again.

“Hey, Malcolm, your mom’s here.” Her dad, Noah, told them as he poked his head into her room.

“Okay, thanks.” Her dad went back out to the garage and Malcolm groaned as he rolled off her bed. “Later.”

Aria waved him goodbye and turned on her TV, she immediately became entranced with an episode of her favorite TV show, Charmed.


Aria sat with Malcolm, Stevie, Lloyd and Dabney at the picnic in the Wilkerson’s backyard. Aria was struggling in math class and they offered to help her, which she was incredibly grateful for.

Reese strutted into the backyard and tossed his bag on the table. “Man, high school is brutal. They don’t care how much homework you have in other classes, they just keep heaping it on.” He handed books to Lloyd and Dabney.

“Is Monday okay?” Lloyd asked the older boy.

“Make it Friday. I don’t want to ruin your weekend.”

“Oh, no. I lost a crystal on my watch.” Dabney frowned.

“Didn’t your parents give you that?”

“Yeah.” Dabney sighed.

“I’m sure they’ll understand if you tell them it just fell off.” Aria assured the boy.

“I saw a watch just like this down at the church.” Malcolm said, taking Dabney’s watch.

“Really? Could you get it for me?” 

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