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It was finally the first day of school. 

Aria and Malcolm were ready to see their friends again, they were one more year to becoming high schoolers. Lois had been on Malcolm’s case for most of the summer because of Francis, he had gotten emancipated. Aria honestly wanted no part of the sudden war between Lois and Francis, she runs away from the woman when she asks her for her opinion.

Aria and Malcolm walked over to the Krelboynes, who looked grateful to be back in school.

“Thank God. . . summer’s over!” Stevie exclaimed.

“Hello, babies.” Reese taunted as he leaned over the fence into the courtyard. “How’s baby school, babies?”

“Didn’t high school start half an hour ago?” Malcolm questioned.

“Hey, if I’m on time today they’re gonna expect it everyday.”

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Dabney exclaimed as a boy held him in a headlock. “Hi, Reese. This is Gus. He’s in the lead to replace you as school bully. He gives a wedgie that’ll knock your socks off and I’m not just saying that ‘cause he’s got me in a headlock.”

“If you grab your wrist instead of your fingers, you’ll get better leverage.” Reese advised the bully-in-training.

“You listen to him. He’s the man.” Lloyd said. Gus grabbed his wrist and Dabney groaned causing Reese to nod in approval at his replacement.

“Hey, you forgot your hoodie at my house yesterday.” Aria called out, remembering that her dad reminded her to give it to the boy.

“I’ll grab it after school.” Reese waved before he was off on his way to the high school.

Everyone turned to Aria with bewildered looks.


“Why is his hoodie at your house?” Malcolm questioned with narrowed eyes.

“He was watching scary movies with me, Scott and Thomas. I would’ve invited you but you were at Stevie’s house.” Aria shrugged.

“Aria!” They heard Jane yell. The group turned to see Jane and the twins waving wildly to get her attention, Maggie’s a year older so she was already in high school.

Aria bid the boys goodbye before she ran off to see her other friends. The four of them greeted each other with excitement, despite having seen each other over the summer they were ready for their last year of middle school to be a good one.

“I can’t believe we’re eighth graders now!” Emma squealed.

“Our cool factor has gone up.” Tess flipped her hair as they all giggled.

The bell rang and they went to class catching up on whatever they missed during the short time they were apart.


The next day, Aria sat at the table next to Malcolm and the other Krelboynes with her bandmates. Aria and her friends were talking about their new classes and trying to figure out a new schedule for their band practice considering that Maggie wasn’t in the same school anymore.

“What. . . a jerk.” They heard Stevie say.

“Is that what we’re gonna turn out like? If I ever start acting like that you have to promise to kill me.” Lloyd exclaimed.

“No. No more death pacts.” Dabney refused, glaring at the boy.

“Don’t worry about it.” Malcolm assured them, “The only way that stupid board can affect us is if we let it. Those numbers mean nothing.”

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