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Aria stood on the docks with the Wilkersons and the Kenarbans with her bag slung over her shoulder. 

She was invited by the Kenarbans to spend a few days on their boat and the Wilkersons were invited too. They had invited her dad but he had to turn it down due to his work schedule. Since the beginning of summer her dad had been dating Daphne and she spent a lot of time at the house, Scott and Thomas too. The three had developed a friendship and when she wasn’t at the Wilkerson’s house she was with them or the band. 

The Impulse had been writing songs and performing all summer. They started to gain a following which the girls were excited about, they performed at the pier often and did a few parties. They were hopeful that maybe they could become famous or something. 

Aria had never been on a houseboat and was excited to spend the next few days with her friends while she got a tan.

“Oh, look at all this lovely scenery and nature. This is going to be wonderful.” Kitty gushed.

“Dear, did you pack my hat?” Abe asked his wife.

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. You should’ve asked me too.”

“No problem. I’ll just create one out of newspaper.” Abe replied in a passive aggressive manner.

Lois and Aria looked at each other confused before the older woman turned to Kitty. “Everything okay?” 

“Everything’s wonderful. We’re on vacation.”

When the group finally got to the houseboat they were surprised by how small it was.

That’s the King of the Seas?” Hal put down the bags he was carrying.

A scream came from inside and Dewey came running out with a panicked look on his face. “There’s no TV! There’s no TV! There’s no TV!”

“There’s your TV.” Hal chuckled as he gestured to the water that surrounded them.

“I don’t see any TV.” Reese said.

“Excuse me.” Abe passed his wife and made his way to the small houseboat.

Aria had gone in and set her bag down before she went back outside, she was already wearing her bathing suit underneath, she was excited to go swimming. She passed Hal on her way out and he wore a big smile, when she stepped off the boat she saw Malcolm holding a fishing pole as he, Reese and Stevie stared out at the water.

Aria walked over with a confused expression before she looked over and noticed a group of girls on a speed boat coming their way.

“Do. . . you –”

“I see it too.” Reese cut off Stevie.

“Hey, guys, what are you doing?” A girl from the boat called out.

“I don’t know. What are you doing?” Reese shouted back causing the girls to giggle.

“Where did you get the boat?” Malcolm questioned.

“We stole it from our spirit camp.We’re going to get cigarettes.”

“Spirit camp? So, you girls are. . .?” Reese trailed off.

“Cheerleaders.” Malcolm finished.

“Bad. . . cheerleaders.”

“Yeah. We haven’t seen any boys in six weeks. Even you guys are starting to look good.” The girls giggled. “Except her, she looks good regardless.” 

Aria raised her eyebrows and smirked as the boys looked between the girl standing next to them and the cheerleaders with wide eyes. One of the cheerleaders untied another's top and they all giggled as the girl caught her top before anything was exposed, she giggled as she scolded the other girl.

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