Reese's Party

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Aria stood with the Wilkerson boys as Hal put the last suitcase for his and Lois’ weekend getaway in the trunk. The couple needed one peaceful weekend before the baby was born and staying home with their main cause of stress wasn’t going to help.

“We’re only going to be gone for two days.” Lois said out the passenger window, “We’re going to have at least one weekend before this baby is born where we get some peace and quiet.”

“Without us?” Reese asks, holding a bowl of cereal.

Hal looked to Craig as he stood ready to get into the car. “You know the plan?”

“As soon as you leave, I put Reese on a bus to his grandma in Canada. After school, I take Malcolm over to Stevie’s. And Dewey stays with me.” Craig turned to Dewey, grinning, “Looks like you’re the lucky winner.”

Usually, one of the boys would stay at Aria’s house while Lois and Hal were away but Daphne, Scott and Thomas had been staying over, leaving no room for anymore people. Daphne and her dad had been talking about moving in together for a while and this was their way of testing how compatible they were to live together.

“Why are you splitting us up?” asked Dewey.

“Because this is the only way the judge would let us leave town.” Hal said.

“Have fun.” Aria waved goodbye as they pulled away. Lois quickly stuck her hand out the window and waved back before they were out of sight.

Twenty minutes later, Reese was on the bus with his upper half leaning out of the window. It had started to sprinkle shortly after Hal and Lois left so Aria tried her best to stay dry.

“Have fun today at school, suckers.” Reese taunted, “I’ll send you a postcard from Whitehorse.”

Malcolm sighed, “Reese, figure it out. It takes 26 hours to get there and 26 hours to get back. Your backpack is full of food and no one ever called Grandma.”

“Wait a minute. So I’m spending the weekend on this bus?!” 

The bus began to pull away as Reese realized the actual plan. Aria got a ride to school with Malcolm and Dewey, who found it funny that Reese was spending his weekend on a bus.

The school day had been uneventful and band practice had been the same. The group didn’t practice as much as they hung out and gossiped. The girls comforted Aria once they found out that she and Robbie had broken up but gushed about Reese walking her home, Aria secretly gushing with them.

Malcolm had asked for Aria’s help setting up his date with Kathy McCulskey, a girl in their class that had some nasty rumors going around about her. Aria carried a bag with groceries for a dinner that Malcolm begged her to help him make, when the two caught sight of Reese standing in the kitchen. 

“I knew it!” exclaimed Malcolm, “I knew if I came back I’d catch you here. You can’t be trusted for five seconds, let alone a whole weekend.”

Malcolm slammed the bag he was carrying onto the counter and Aria placed her gently on the kitchen table. Malcolm had in fact not known that Reese would be there when they opened the door, but it would’ve been an easier claim if the two weren’t carrying brown paper bags.

“Okay, look, just don’t tell – wait a minute. What are you doing here?” Reese narrowed his eyes at the two glancing at the bags.

“Me? I’m here to. . . guard the house from the bad things you’re doing!” Malcolm struggled for a moment.

“What’s in the bag?” Reese snatched the bag from the counter, “Candles, chocolate-covered strawberries, Sleepless in Seattle. Are you two on a date?”

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