Baby Part 2

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Forty five minutes later, the five were back in the parking garage and quickly making their way to the car. Hal was irritated and wanted nothing more than to be there for his wife.

“Well, let’s go! Your mother’s in labor and we just wasted 45 minutes in the security office!”

“Just our luck. We get a rent-a-cop trying to make sergeant.” Reese said as he climbed in next to Dewey.

“I think he made you pee in that jar just because he could.” Dewey agreed.

“You boys have really outdone yourself this time.” Hal fumed, “Now, I’m going to take your mom to the hospital, and I’m not going to hear one word out of any of you until we come back with the baby.”

Aria and Malcolm sat in the third row as Hal started the car and crashed into the car in front of them. He was so worried about Lois he forgot to put the car in reverse. 

They were quickly brought to the hospital, Aria and the boys were quickly cleared but Hal was still strapped to the gurney he was brought in on. Hal was still determined to get to his wife and be there for her.

“Kids, call me a taxi, and then call Dr. Kerr, let him know your mom’s in labor. He’s in the book. Then call AAA –”

“Dad, calm down.” Malcolm interrupted.

“I will not calm down!” Hal quickly answered his phone, “Hello. Hello? Oh! Hello! Lois? What?! Honey!”

The nurse, who was checking his blood pressure, took away his phone. “Sir, stop moving.”

“What’d she say?!” Malcolm and Reese exclaimed.

“Is she and the baby okay?!” Aria asks.

“My wife’s at home and she’s having our baby right now!” Hal shouted at the nurse abd doctor, “I have to get home to her!”

“She’s having the baby at home?” interjected Malcolm.

“Sir, you’re not going anywhere in the shape you’re in.” The doctor told Hal firmly before turning to the nurse, “Give him ten milligrams of diazepam.”

Aria and the boys could only stand by and watch as they gave Hal a shot, Hal continued to struggle against his restraints. “Let me out of here! I’m fine! Wait. What is that?”

It only put him to sleep for half a minute before Hal was awake and trying to leave again before the doctor whispered something to the nurse. The doctor tried to usher the four out of the room but they weren’t having it.

“Why don’t you kids come with me? We have all sorts of fun magazines in the waiting area. You like Highlights? You like ‘Goofus and Gallant’?”

“We don’t want to read your stupid magazines. Our mom is having a baby!” Malcolm snapped at the older man.

“I’m sure she’s being very well taken care of, and so’s your father, so there is nothing for you kids to do but relax and wait for someone to come and get you.”

“But we have to do something. This is all our fault.” said Dewey.

“You’re obviously very upset, and frankly, I have no idea how to deal with you. That’s why I’m not in pediatrics.” The man told them, “Now, let’s go into the waiting room like I told you. If you don’t want to look at magazines, I’m sure there’s a chair you can spin around in.”

The four allowed the man to lead them out of the room but opted to wait in the hallway instead. Malcolm stood a few feet away looking at some papers that hung on the wall while the other three sat on the floor. Aria had called her dad and he was unable to pick them up because of work, while Daphne was out of town with Scott and Thomas visiting her grandma.

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