If Boys Were Girls

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Aria sat in the food court across from Robbie laughing at something he said before taking a bite of her pizza. The two were on a date shopping and playing games in the arcade, Robbie was a gentleman the entire time.

He paid for the games, the pizza and bought a few of Aria’s things despite her protests. They stopped for a quick bite before they headed to the music store, Robbie was in need of new guitar strings and Aria wanted to take a look around.

“I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta use the bathroom.” Robbie said.

“Okay, I’m going to throw this stuff away and meet you in front of the bathrooms.” Aria began to gather their trash as Robbie made his way to the bathroom.

At the trash can Aria noticed a heavily pregnant daydreaming Lois sitting with Reese, Dewey and Malcolm. All three boys were stuffing their faces with chili stampedes, Aria quickly grabbed her and Robbie’s things from the table and made her way over.

Lois was suddenly hit in the face with some chili breaking her out of her daydreaming and the boys began arguing.

“Hey, I was going to eat that!” Dewey shouted.

“Tough luck!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Malcolm interjected.

The three continued arguing until Aria spoke up once she was close enough. “Why am I not surprised that you’re fighting about chili?”

“Hey, Aria.” Malcolm and Dewey greeted cutting their fighting short.

“Hey, hunny.” Lois smiled, wiping the food off the side of her face.

Reese was quickly wiping off all the chili on his face. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m on a date with Robbie.” explained Aria and Reese slowed his movements, Aria noticed his split lip. “Jesus, what happened to your lip?”

“Malcolm punched him.” Dewey exclaimed.

“Oh, does that mean I can finally meet him?” Lois asks, changing the topic of conversation, nobody noticing Reese’s moody turn sour.

“Uh, yeah. He’s just in the bathroom –” Aria cut herself off with a squeal as she feels fingers tickle her sides. “Robbie!”

Aria playfully scolded him as she swatted his chest. “I’m sorry but the opportunity was right there.”

“Yeah, yeah. Robbie, this is Lois, she’s Reese and Malcolm’s mom, and that’s Dewey, their little brother.” Aria introduced them, pointing to Lois and Dewey.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Robbie shook Lois’ hand before turning to his classmates. “Hey, guys.”

“Hey, man.” Malcolm waved and Reese just gave a quick nod before turning back to his food.

Aria turned to the woman, “What are you guys doing?”

“We’re going to the basement sale at Hanning’s.”

“Oh, that’s today? I’ll probably head there in a little bit, I need some new clothes.” said Aria.

“We’ll see you there.” Lois smiled before Aria and Robbie waved goodbye making their way to the music store.

They walked into Camelot’s Music and went their separate ways. Robbie headed over to get guitar strings and Aria headed over to the CD’s right away she found Avril Lavigne’s Let Go album. 

She liked the songs Sk8ter Boi and Complicated, both were songs she wished she had written herself. 

Aria paid for her CD after nothing else caught her eye and she began to look around for Robbie. She found him talking with a girl that looked around Robbie’s age looking over some music sheets.

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