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Aria had stayed after school with the band to practice a new song, so she decided to walk home with Malcolm. He and Stevie had been working on some math project, Malcolm was running late so they had to rush.

“Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late.” Malcolm greeted his family as they walked through the door. “Stevie and I finished our geometry unit. We’re two weeks ahead.”

“Hey, Lois.”Aria smiled.

“Hey, honey.” Lois turned to her son. “Congratulations, you’re grounded.”

“What?” Malcolm and Aria looked at each with confusion.

“You’re an hour and a half late. You promised you’d be back by 3:00 o’clock to help with the couch. Your father and Reese nearly killed themselves.” Lois scolded her son.

“Yeah, but –”

“No buts! You’re grounded. Two weeks in your room, no TV, no friends, no phone.” Lois listed off as she walked to the kitchen. Aria had to admit it wasn’t a very severe punishment.

“But I was doing homework.” Malcolm protested, “I thought it’d be okay.”

“You’re not allowed to decide what’s okay. Not yet.” Lois shook her head. “You looked me in the eye and promised. You’re grounded.”

“This is totally unfair!” Malcolm exclaimed as his mom walked away. 

“Oh!” Reese groaned as he sat on the new couch. “Okay, when did I sit in tar?”

“Well, I better get home. I’ll see you guys later.” Aria waved goodbye before closing the door behind her and making her way home.

“Hey, wait up!” Reese called out as he ran to catch up with her.

“What’s up?”

“Mom wants me to walk you home.” Reese grumbled.

“You know, your parents always seem to stick you with walking me home. Why?”

“Dewey’s too little and Malcolm’s grounded.”

“Good point.” Aria nodded before changing the subject. 

Aria didn’t leave too far from the Wilkersons so she didn’t really understand why Hal and Lois had Reese walk her home, she’s done it for years, but she didn’t question it. The two talked about random things and the topic of her band came up.

“Got any gigs coming up?” He asked.

“Nothing official but we’re hoping to play at the pier next weekend.”

“Oh cool. I’ll let Mom know, she’s been meaning to ask.” Reese said absently as he kicked a rock, hitting a bird. He giggled and Aria shook her head at the boy, the two stopped at the end of the walkway to her house. 

The two quickly exchanged their goodbyes before they went their separate ways. 


Aria and her dad sat in the gym on their cots talking about the chemical spill and coming up with theories about who did it. Aria made random suggestions out of boredom to make her and her dad laugh.

“I repeat, if you’re not in need of immediate first aid, find an available cot, remain calm and wait for further instructions.” A man said over the PA.

“Will you look at this?” Aria heard and she looked around for the source. “I hope they find whoever’s responsible and string him up by his thumbs.”

Aria finally found the source and smiled when she saw the Wilkersons walking into the gym. The Blake girl stood and went over to greet them.

“Hey, guys.” Aria smiled.

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