Aria's Sleepover

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Aria stood on the front porch of Maggie’s house nervous and unsure of what to do. Does she knock? What if she got the day wrong? A million things raced through her mind before she finally knocked on the door, she stood there for a minute before the door finally opened. It revealed Maggie, who was smiling, and Aria instantly felt better.

“Aria! Come on in, the others are upstairs.” Maggie moved aside for Aria to step in and closed the door behind her. Aria slipped off her shoes at the door and followed Maggie up the stairs and into the room farthest away from the stairs.

In the room Tess sat in a bean bag reading a magazine as Emma sat at a vanity mirror trying on costume jewelry. Jane laid on her stomach painting Tess’ toe nails, all three girls greeted Aria as they walked in.

“Hey, Aria.” Tess waved.

“Hey, which one look better?” Emma turned around to show two different earrings. One was a dangling earring that was a heart with a plastic red gem and the other was a fake diamond stud, they were both very pretty. 

“I think the diamonds look nice.” Aria said, “Diamonds go with everything.”

“Very true.” Emma agreed and turned back to the mirror.

“We’re having pizza and watching a movie later.” Maggie informed her.

“Awesome.” Aria smiled.

As the night went on Aria loosed up and they had a blast; they put on a fashion show, played games, karaoke and they were now just talking about anything that came to mind.

“What do you guys want to be when you grow up?” Maggie asked as they all laid around the room still dressed up from their outfits from the fashion show.

“I’m gonna be an artist.” Jane said dramatically, she threw her hand to her head and leaned back.

“I’m gonna be a fashion designer.” Emma struck a silly pose, the girls giggled and continued.

“I’m going to travel the world and become a photographer.” Tess spoke up as she took pictures with one of the disposable cameras that Maggie had laying around her room. They had been taking pictures all night and Aria couldn’t wait to see the photos after they were developed.

“I think I’m gonna be a writer.” Maggie sighed as she rolled over onto her stomach and smiled.

“You’d be an amazing writer.” Aria complimented.

“Thanks, Aria.” Maggie gave her a smile. “What about you?”

“Uh, I don’t know.” Aria thought for a moment, “I never really thought about it.”

“What about being a teacher?” suggested Jane.

“I can only handle being around kids for so long before I lose my mind.” 

“Well, whatever you decide to be you’ll be great at.” Emma complimented.

“Thanks.” Aria smiled and the conversation continued on.

The pizza arrived sometime shortly after that and they were looking through the vhs tapes that Maggie had. They finally settled on Now and Then, it was a movie that Aria had seen with Lois and enjoyed it a lot. They were surrounded by junk food and were all snuggled close together on the floor. They were so entranced by the movie that they didn’t hear Maggie’s little brother walk in.

“Hey, Maggie, where did you put –”

The girls screamed and in turn he screamed too. After they all calmed down Maggie glared at him and threw a pillow, it smacked him in the face and he just rolled his eyes. “Get out!”

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