Cynthia's Back

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Aria sat with Cynthia and Malcolm with her math homework, contemplating on throwing it out and telling her teacher that it ran away or something. Thankfully, Cynthia and Malcolm agreed to help her if she needed it but Cynthia had been moody since she got back from New York. 

It was weird for Malcolm and Aria because the last time they saw her she was always so happy. Aria decided to just leave her be and let her decide if she wanted to talk or not.

“Is my coffee ready yet?” Cynthia asked, “I can’t believe you only have instant.”

“I’m sorry our Folgers isn’t up to your standards.” Malcolm replied snidely, “And I’d be a little more impressed with your coffee drinking sophistication if you weren’t wearing a kitty sweater.”

“Dude.” Aria gave him an unimpressed look.

“I’m supposed to take style tips from someone who keeps track of wrestling feuds.” She had a point.

“You know, ever since you’ve been back you’ve been mean to everyone. I know you think you’re better than us. Even if that’s true, it doesn’t give you the right to be nasty. If you keep this up, you’re not going to have any friends.” 

“You think you know what everyone’s problem is? Well, guess what, you don’t. You think you’re so smart and together and that no one notices what an unhappy little person you are. I’m sorry. I’m not going to stroke your fragile ego by confiding in you.” Cynthia snapped, not noticing her sweater catch fire.

“Oh, yeah? Well, you’re on fire.” Malcolm sneered and Cynthia screamed.

Malcolm and Aria rushed over to put it out. Malcolm helped Cynthia take off her sweater as Aria turned off the stove, when she turned around she noticed that Malcolm was staring at Cynthia with wide eyes. Aria turned to Cynthia and blinked in surprise when she noticed what he was staring at, Cynthia had gone through puberty while she was in New York.

Cynthia gasped and crossed her arms over her chest before turning away from them. Aria quickly led her to the boys’ closet so she could pick out something to cover herself.

“How could you do that to me?” She sniffled on the other side of the door.

“You were on fire. I was just trying to help.” Malcolm defended.

“How does yelling, ‘oh, my God, where did those come from?’ help?” Cynthia exclaimed as she walked out of the closet buttoning up a shirt.

“It's just. . . you scared me. They scared me. I mean, they don’t scare me. They startled me. I –”

“I hate this.” Cynthia cut him off, “Everyone looks at me like you did. Like I’m some kind of freak.”

“I was surprised, that’s all.” Malcolm tried to comfort her, “It’s just really different. I mean, I would react the same way if you had a new haircut.”

“No one can know about this. You guys can’t tell anyone!”

“What are you talking about?” 

"Promise me.” Cynthia insisted.

“But –”


“Alright. Alright, I promise.”

“We promise, Cynthia.” Aria assured the crying girl.

“Come on, you’re fine. It’s just a change on the outside. Inside you’re the same. If you give people a chance they’ll see that.” 

“Stop staring at them.” Cynthia glared. 

“Am. . . Am I staring?” 

Aria reached over and punched his arm causing him to hiss in pain as he cradled his arm. It was safe to say that Aria was not impressed.

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