Summer in New York

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Aria walked down Main Street with Cynthia and her bandmates all talking about nothing in particular. They had all just walked out of a salon where Aria, Maggie and Tess had gotten their hair done.

“You look great as a blonde.” Cynthia complimented as she looped arms with the newly blonde girl.

“Why, thank you.” Aria giggled.

The girls all continued to compliment each other on their new looks, the girls had all changed quite a bit since they came to New York. Aside from their changes of appearance, they seemed more confident with themselves.

Aria’s experience with New York was definitely something she was going to remember. The first week of being here and she had already met a nice girl that she had been flirting with since she met her. 

Jade Ross was a native New Yorker and the girls ran into her while they were checking out street performers, she was one of them. Jade was singing some song that they had heard on the radio when the two locked eyes and there was an instant attraction. Jade joined the girls on their adventures and showed them around the city to the best spots.

They were meeting her at a cafe where she was introducing them to a friend of hers. As they walked into a mildly busy cafe Aria caught sight of the other girl sitting with an unnaturally red haired girl and she waved in greeting when they noticed them walk in.

“Hey.” Jade greeted them as she pecked Aria’s cheek, “This is my friend, Savannah.”

“Nice to meet you.” Savannah stood and shook their hands.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” 

The girls all were quick to get to know each other and they really liked Savannah, she was great. Jade and Savannah had apparently met in drama class, they claimed that their drama teacher was completely weird but the others just laughed. All teachers were weird, it just depended on if it was a good or bad weird.

“So, you guys have a band?” Savannah asked.

“Yeah, we’re called The Impulse.” Tess grinned, “I play the drums, Jane plays piano, Emma is our rhythm guitarist and Maggie plays bass. Aria is our lead vocalist and writes most of our songs.”

“Really? That’s cool.” The red haired girl complimented.

“Have you written anything since summer started?” Jade turned to the newly blonde girl.

“Not really, I mean I’ve written a few random sentences that I thought would sound good but nothing officially.”

“When do you guys go back to California?” Savannah implored the group of girls.

“Actually we leave tomorrow.” Cynthia admitted, “We just wanted to do a few more touristy things before we leave.”

“Oh, then you guys have to come with us at The Spotlight tonight.” Savannah declared.

“What’s The Spotlight?” Jane asked.

“It’s this really cool karaoke place that we go to all the time with our friends.” Jade explained, “How about we go around five?”

“Sounds like a plan.” 

A few hours later, the girls sat in The Spotlight watching as people went up to the stage and sang. Some were good, some weren’t and others were decent; the music wasn’t so loud that they had to shout at each other but they didn’t have to speak at a louder volume than normal.

“This place is so cool.” Emma gushed.

“You guys should go sing!” Savannah urged, but they were hesitant. “Come on, it'll be fun, I promise.”

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