Water Park

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Aria sat at the Wilkerson kitchen table with Dewey feeling sorry that he couldn’t go to the water park. The Wilkersons had an extra ticket, because of Dewey’s ear infection, and offered it to her. She, of course, accepted and her dad thought that it was a good way to get her out of the house.

It was the start of summer and she had decided to grow out her hair so it reached her chin, she was excited for the rest of summer. She wanted to approach the new school year differently and to do that she had to change over the summer and she wanted to start with her appearance. Maggie and the rest of the girls had the same idea so they were all doing it together, she hoped to make some memories while she was at it.

Eventually, a babysitter arrived and it was an old woman. They had gotten up super early so that they could spend all day at the water park.

“Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. And it was so nice of your agency to give us a second chance. You two are going to have so much fun together.” Lois smiled before crouching in front of Dewey. “Don’t you dare hurt her.”

“Hurry, the sun’s coming up!” Reese shouted to Aria and his mother before they ran out to the car.


“Hey, hey, look, kids.” Hal said, grabbing their attention, “Only 12 more miles to Wavetown, USA.”

“Yay!” Lois cheered.

“So, Malcolm, you gonna go down the Liquidator this time?” Hal glanced back through the rearview mirror at his son.

“Don’t pressure the boy, Hal.” Lois hissed.

“I’m not pressuring him. I’m just asking.”

“He’s scared enough as it is without you making a big deal out of it.”

Aria laid comfortably with her head resting against the window, enjoying the nice breeze that blew in through Lois’ window. She was still a little tired from waking up so early so she just relaxed as she made sure she had everything. Her dad got her a disposable camera, she packed her mp3 player with a new pair of earbuds, some extra money, a snack and a bottle of water. She thought about bringing a book but decided against it knowing that she probably wouldn’t end up reading it.

“Hey, Mom, doesn’t Malcolm have to wear his nose plug for his sinuses?” Reese spoke up from the seat behind Aria and Malcolm.

“Shut up.” Malcolm hissed. Aria didn’t blame him, the nose plug looked stupid.

“Oh, that’s right.” Lois realized.

“I forgot it.”

“Listen, honey, you just be very careful then, okay?”

“Don’t worry, here it is.” Reese smiled as he held up the nose plug causing Malcolm to glare at him. Aria tried to assure Malcolm that he didn’t look as stupid as he thought but he never believed her.

“Oh. Thank you, Reese.” Lois smiled before turning back to face the front.


They had finally arrived at the water park and Aria was excited to spend the whole day there. 

“Oh, my gosh, look at this!” Lois exclaimed to Hal as she pointed something out to him.

“This is awesome!” Reese cheered. “I can’t wait to get on the rides.”

Aria was walking with Malcolm and stopped when she noticed that he wasn’t next to her, she turned around to find him three feet away staring up at the Liquidator. Malcolm absently pulled off his nose plug and his mother wasn’t too happy about it.

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