Hal's Friend

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Aria walked into the Wilkerson home greeting the boys like usual. It had been a month since Lois left for her sister’s and since then the house had become a mess.

“Hey, Aria.” Dewey greeted before Reese handed him the jug of orange juice causing him to look at it in disgust, “Can I use a glass?”

“No. Nothing that requires washing. Okay, let’s clear the table.”

The three boys grabbed a garbage bag and Hal pushed the mess on the table into it. Aria pursed her lips and shook her head, these four really couldn’t survive without Lois in her opinion.

“Oh, I talked to your mother last night. She misses you all very much, and she’ll be home very soon.”

The boys all froze, “How soon?”

“A few weeks.” Hal assured them, and all three collectively sighed in relief. “Oh, and Reese, she wanted you to sweep the leaves off the garage roof when you get home from school today.”

“What? But today is the one day that Alison’s parents aren’t home.” Reese said before correcting himself, “To interfere with our homework.”

Aria felt a small sting in her chest but brushed it off, not thinking much of it.

“Reese, your mother —”

“This isn’t fair! Mom can’t control us when she’s not even here!”

“Nobody is being controlled by your mother. For instance, I’m inviting an old friend over tonight, and even though we’re not going to tell your mother about it, it doesn’t mean we’re being controlled.” Hal chuckled, “To repeat: your mother is never to hear about this. And you kids are going to love Larry. We were inseparable in high school. But, seriously, your mother cannot find out he was in the house.”

“Dad, you’re hurting me.” Dewey told him as he tightly squeezed the boy’s shoulder.

“Oh. Sorry, sweetheart.”

“I can’t wait for Lois to get back. Daphne and I want to take here on a spa day.” Aria said, absently.

“I’m sure she’ll love it.” Hal smiled, “Now get to school or you’ll be late.”


“Hey.” Robbie greeted Aria with a kiss on her temple.

“Hey, what’s up?” Aria smiled.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?”

“I can’t, it’s Dabney’s birthday party tonight, remember?”

The two made their way to the courtyard, Aria had already promised Dabney that she’d be there. They caught up with Malcolm and Stevie when Dabney’s mom appeared out of nowhere.

“Malcolm! Stevie! Aria!” The woman called out.

“Hi, Mrs. Hooper.” The three said in unison.

“Do any of you hooligans know where my son, Dabney, is?”

Mrs. Hooper wasn’t very fond of them. She seemed convinced that the three of them were going to corrupt her precious little boy, their relationship was honestly a little weird.

“I don’t know.” Malcolm shrugged, “He was excused from gym.”

“What is a nervous eyelid, anyway?” Aria asks.

“It’s an allergic reaction to either gluten, whey or air. I suppose you four are coming to Dabney’s birthday party tonight.”

Everyone confirmed except for Robbie, he claimed he didn’t really know Dabney and thought it’d be weird. Aria didn’t push him on it and just left it be, after all, Dabney was her friend not his.

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