chapter 6

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Lisa heard the doorbell.

Lisa knew it wasn’t Rosè. She had spare keys to her house. It was the first time a visitor shamelessly rang the doorbell.

Lisa reluctantly put down her bowl of noodles, ran to the door and opened the door. She didn’t believe her eyes. Jennie Kim was in front of the door and her son was sleeping in his arms.

Lisa led Jennie to Leo’s room and he put Leo to bed. Then Lisa and Jennie walked to the living room. He looked at Leo’s baby photos displayed in the glass cabinets.

“I think you need to explain something to me,” Jennie said.

“Explain what?” Lisa asked.

Jennie sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. Lisa felt like her home shrunk.

“Miss Manoban, I heard you have an IQ of 200,” Jennie said.

Lisa admitted she lacked social awareness but she understood Jennie’s tone was mocking her.

“Mr. Kim sometimes I’m a little gullible,” Lisa said. “If you have something to say then say it clearly. I’m not your servant so you don’t need to act like you’re the king inside my home.”

“Don’t you think Leo looks identical to me?” Jennie asked.

Lee Min Ho taught Jennie to treat women well otherwise he would have strangled Lisa.

“Um, you do look like my son,” Lisa said.

Lisa realised why Jennie looked familiar to her.

“Leo looks like me because I’m his dad,” Jennie said. Jennie looked at the DNA results, Leo was his son.

“Who are you kidding?” Lisa asked. “Leo’s dad is an Englishman.”

“Here are the DNA results,” Jennie said and passed them to Lisa.

Lisa looked at the DNA results. Jennie was her son’s father. She wondered why her son didn’t inherit any physical traits of an Englishman but she didn’t care who her son’s father was, she loved her son.

“What do you want?” Lisa asked. “If you want custody of my son then that will never happen!”

“Miss Manoban, I’m not demanding custody,” Jennie said. “What I’m asking is how you gave birth to my son.”

Lisa wanted to know how Jennie became her son’s father too.

“I heard you haven’t been taking good care of Leo’s daily life,” Jennie said.

“Who said that?” Lisa asked.

“Besides, I won’t allow my son to be raised as illegitimate child,” Jennie said.

“You’re saying you want to take my son away… I knew it you’re a bad person…” Lisa said and cried.

Lisa knew if Jennie fought for custody of her son then she would lose her son.

Jennie knew he was a bad person. His intentions was to take his son home and he thought women were troublesome. But he didn’t like seeing Lisa cry.

“Don’t cry,” Jennie said.

“Why shouldn’t I cry?” Lisa asked. “Have you changed my son’s nappies? Bathe and fed him? Watched him take his first steps and heard him say his first word? You don’t know how happy I am to be his mother. Suddenly you appear and want to take him away from me… I hate you-”

Jennie kissed Lisa. He didn’t know why but he felt she was born to live in his heart. He also didn’t know why he felt overwhelmed and didn’t want to hear her say she hated him.

"starting from tomorrow you and our son will live in my home,” Jennie said.

Lisa opened her eyes. “No.”

Jennie thought Lisa looked like a deer and he wouldn’t mind taking care of a deer.

"tomorrow I’ll have removalists help you and our son move to my home,” Jennie said. “If you’re not packed by tomorrow then I’ll blow up your lab.”

Jennie felt good and he walked toward the door.

Lisa was inflamed after she heard Jennie threatened her precious lab.

“You gangster!” Lisa cursed. “Even if you blackmail me I won’t give into you!”

My Beautiful Wife And Genius Son (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now