chapter 18

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Miyeon’s red polish fingernails hid one of the side effects of years of smoking.

“Uncle, you can’t blame me for my inability to help you,” Miyeon said. "this time your precious son offended Jennie. Besides, I believe uncle has a solution to rescue your son.”

Siwon had a diagonal scar below his eyes. He felt the Cho household’s power was yielded from his years of hard work. But he couldn’t accept Miyeon’s father letting the little girl Miyeon lead the Cho household instead of him.

Siwon had visited Ni Sheng’s headquarters in Korea, but the guards refused to let him see Jennie because he wasn’t the head of the Cho household. He wouldn’t have looked for Miyeon if Eun Woo wasn’t his only son. After his son was born the doctors told him that he couldn’t have any more children. He didn’t expect his only son would grow up to cause catastrophes for him.

“If you didn’t spoil my son since he was a boy then he wouldn’t turn out this way,” Siwon said.

Miyeon laughed coldly. “Uncle, it’s unfair to blame me for his mistakes. Uncle, you’re the one who is infamous for spoiling your son. Besides, he is my little brother. What am I supposed to do each time he asks me to rescue him, let him die?”

“What will it take for you to save him?” Siwon asked.

“Uncle, you know what I want,” Miyeon said.

“OK, I’ll hand over my districts in South East Asia and South America,” Siwon said.

Miyeon shook her forefinger. “No, no, no. Uncle, honestly you've worked hard half your lifespan. You should leave the world for young people to deal with. Uncle, you've withered, aged and it’s a struggle for you to move about. Uncle, have you thought about retiring?”

She gestured for an assistant to give the prepared documents to Siwon. "the truth is I’ve prepared a retirement island home for uncle. It’s by the seaside, it’s tropical all year round. I bought the whole island. There are no paparazzi on the island to disturb uncle. Uncle, what do you think about this ideal early retirement plan?”

“You!” Siwon said.

Siwon glared contemptuously at Miyeon and thought about his son for more than a minute.

“OK, if you can bring him back in one piece then I’ll retire,” Siwon surrendered.

“OK, but I can’t promise I can bring him back in one piece after he offended Jennie,” Miyeon said. “I can only promise I’ll bring him home. After all he is my only little brother.”

“OK,” Siwon agreed.


On the other side of the world, Jennie happily took his wife on a honeymoon. Before departing Italy for his honeymoon, he assigned all his duties to Mino. Everyone knew it was Mino’s belated punishment to be an overworked slave.

After Jennie and Lisa returned home from their honeymoon, Mino was exhausted to death in bed.

Mino had to deal with the Cho household causing trouble in South America for Ni Sheng, as well as Jisoo and Mr Tao’s gangs. Even the almighty Jackson had to play a cat and mouse chase with Jisoo while Hanbin was busy making an antidote for Lisa.

Since Jennie’s gang members were all busy with their missions, they didn’t reunite until after Jennie returned home from his honeymoon.

“How’s the antidote coming along?” Mino asked Hanbin.

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