chapter 7

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Lisa packed hers and Leo’s bags.

She knew the gangster Jennie wasn’t kidding about blowing up her precious lab if she didn’t give into him. Later she thought if she cooperated with him then he would be open to negotiating custody rights over Leo.

Lisa brought Leo to Jennie’s mansion. What she didn’t understand was why there were many rooms in the mansion but her bags were brought into a spacious dark room with a black king size bed that belonged to Jennie.

Jennie was happy to see Lisa cheeks turned red like a red fish’s cheeks.

“I like to hug someone when I sleep,” Jennie said.

Lisa thought his sleeping habits had nothing to do with her.

Lisa was intimidated by Jennie intense eyes so she crawled onto his bed. Then he began to take off her clothes.

“Why do you need to take clothes off to sleep?” Lisa asked.

“I like sleeping naked,” Jennie said.

Lisa wanted to protest. It was ok if he liked to sleep naked but it had nothing to do with why he had to take off her clothes too. She reminded herself about her precious lab being blown up and laid naked on his bed.

Lisa rubbed her hands on Jennie’s hard chest to feel less taken advantage of.

Jennie held Lisa’s wrists. “If a woman seduces me then she needs to take responsibility.”

“How did you get this scar?” Lisa asked.

Lisa diverted attention from her shameless hands by asking Jennie about the small round scar on his chest.

“When I was eighteen I was shot during a mission,” Jennie said. Jennie almost lost his life to Tan Lang’s boss.

Lisa sighed. “It’s a pity.”

“What?” Jennie asked.

“I said it’s a pity you didn’t shoot your enemy dead,” Lisa lied. “Did it hurt?”

Lisa hoped Jennie was in deadly pain.

“I’ve forgotten,” Jennie said coldly.

Lisa had low EQ but she heard Jennie’s cold tone and she knew he didn’t want to discuss about his bullet scar.

“Let’s talk about Leo,” Lisa said.

Lisa raised her head and was shocked to see Jennie fell asleep.

What gangster? He slept like someone who wouldn’t know if an assassin killed him in his sleep.

Lisa thought Jennie wasn’t an ordinary beauty. Leo inherited his looks. She berated herself for shamelessly checking out a man who was sleeping. Her head found a comfortable spot on his chest and she drifted off to sleep.

Lisa dreamt a puppy was licking her face and made her body feel itchy. Then she jumped onto a man’s body and ate him.

She thought she didn’t need to take responsibility if she ate a man in her dream.

The following morning Lisa woke up and her whole body ached.

There was no sunlight in the room so she didn’t know if it was day or night.


Rosè was standing in front of Lisa’s house, the locks were changed. She thought Lisa must have been inside the lab. Sometimes Lisa forgot to eat and sleep when Lisa was experimenting.

Lisa heard a ringing tone and fumbled for her phone.

“Did you die in your lab?” Rosè asked. “MF I’ve been standing in front of your door for half a day. Open the door.”

“Unnie I can’t open the door… and watch your language,” Lisa said.

“How can I watch my language knowing you and your son in this life?” Rosè asked. “What do you mean you can’t open the door? Are you waiting for me to blow up your lab?”

Lisa thought she should introduce Rosè to Jennie, they had the same blackmailing style.

“Unnie, I’m not at home,” Lisa said.

“If you’re not at home then are you at Seok Jin’s lab?” Rosè asked.

“No,” Lisa said.

“Lisaya do you have a fever?” Rosè asked.

“No,” Lisa said.

“It’s not like you to not be inside a lab if you’re not sick,” Rosè said. “I must have overworked myself these last two days and I can’t hear you properly.”

Lisa heard Rosè’s unflattering mombles and she wanted to protest her innocence.

“Lisaya where are you?” Rosè asked.

“I’m living with Leo’s dad,” Lisa said.

“What?” Rosè asked. “Are you saying the Englishman appeared? Was he shocked to know he has a five-year-old son? Lisa does he want custody of Leo? Lisa you have to promise you won’t agree to let him have custody of Leo!”

Lisa got out of bed and she walked to the bathroom while Rosè talked without giving her a chance to reply.

Inside the bathroom Lisa looked in the mirror and she saw kiss marks on her body.

“Ah!” Lisa cried out.

Lisa realised last night wasn’t a dream.

“Lisa, what happened?” Rosè asked.

Rosè was worried that something bad happened to Lisa.

Lisa dropped her phone. She wanted to bite her tongue to death. She actually jumped onto Jennie and ate him.

She reasoned their son was already five years old so she had nothing to be embarrassed about. She looked at the mirror again. The kiss marks on her neck were too visible, she covered her hot face and cried pitifully .

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